Part 44

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Lan WangJi turned his gaze away, picked up the book which he put on the desk, and opened it again. He only took one look before he hurled the book away, as if he was burnt by fire.

He was initially reading a Buddhist text, but when he had looked at the page flipped open, he was presented with naked, intertwining figures, intolerable to his eye. The book that he was reading was substituted with a pornographic book, its cover disguised as a Buddhist text.


The other Lans there, were still in shock of what happened.

"Uncle, why are you always forgetting the rules when dealing with me? ", Wei WuXian asked, muffling a laugh in between the words. "Shouting is forbidden", he reminded the elder. "And to tell you the truth, I just gave him a book. If anyone thought about 'something', that was definitely not me". Hearing the shameless words coming from his mouth Lan QiRen felt the entire air knocked out of his body.

At the same time Wei Wuxian sensed a hand snaking on his waist and tightening there. He hissed at the sudden pain. Lan WangJi was burning his eyes on him. Those golden eyes were taking over a dark aura and the rim of redness cornering in them was more than enough warning for Wei Wuxian.

"Behave", Lan WangJi breathed.

"Of what", Wuxian whispered, "what you dreamed of that day or what you are thinking now?" a glint of excitement was sparkling in his eyes.

Even someone without a brain would have guessed who had done the deed. It must have been done when when somebody took the opportunity that opened up when his attention turned to the drawing, let alone the fact that Wei WuXian didn't even bother to cover it up, slapping the table as he laughed hysterically, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

As the book was thrown on the ground, Lan WangJi seemed as if he was escaping from snakes or scorpions, falling back to the corner of the Library Pavilion in less than a second. He roared with rage, "Wei Ying——!"

Wei WuXian almost rolled under the desk from laughter, raising a hand with much difficulty, "Here! I'm here!"

Lan WangJi swiftly drew his sword, Bichen. Ever since they had met, Wei WuXian had never seen him appear so discomposed. He hastily grabbed his own sword. Drawing his sword so that a third of the blade was out, he reminded Lan WangJi, "Manners! Second Master Lan! Watch your manners! I brought my sword today as well. If we start fighting, would your Library Pavilion be fine?" He knew that Lan WangJi would be shamed into anger, so he went out of his way to carry his sword for self-defense, so that he wouldn't be accidentally stabbed to death. The blade of Lan WangJi's sword pointed at him. Fire could almost be seen sprouting from his pair of light-colored eyes, "What sort of person are you?!"

Wei WuXian responded, "What sort of person could I be? A man!"

"How can he be so carefree after risking his neck ?", the kids wondered.

"Han Guang-Jun must have been really in love with him that time, to let him off this audaciousness ", Jin RuLan muttered and diverted his attention to his uncles. For the least, he was expecting Jiang WanYin to be his usual self. But,

"hahahahahahah", Nie Husiang and Jiang WanYin didn't even try to lower their voices.

For the Lan kids, this scene was like a scary and vulgar page everyone avoided, in a chapter from the horrendous history. "How can someone be this shameless?", they wondered. But at the same time, they couldn't help but admit, only Wei Wuxian is prone to take all these pranks on Lan Wangji without getting murdered.

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