Part 2

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                 when Lan WangJi woke up at his usual 5, Wei Wuxian was no where to be seen. He always slept in till 11 and according to him, it was HIS LANZHAN'S duty to get him ready for the day. Of course Lan WangJi liked to pamper him as much as Wei Wuxian likes to be pampered. But today was a different day. Yesterday's not so happy conversations ringed in his mind as he done with his morning routine and went out of Jingshi to search for Wei Ying. The bunnies were still in their deep sleep indicating the said human is not there. There was no where he has to be in this early morning. His mind wanted him be believe this as one of Wei Ying's antics but brain reminded how devastated he sounded talking about his nephew. So he decided to search the entire cloud recess for him starting from Hanshi.

        Lan XiChen after coming out of seclusion was staying there in Hanshi being the residential place for the sect leader. After a slight knock on the door, a calm "Come in" could be heard from inside. XiChen was still the same. The calm and collected first Jade of Gusu. The easily approachable one among the twin jades. With an endearing smile on his face he invited his younger brother for tea.

"Xiongzhang, was Wei ying here ?"

"What happened ? Are you two by any chance fighting with each other?  Is my brother-in-law missing ? Did he ran away from Gusu? "

XiChen asked teasing his brother

"Never fight wei ying. Sleeping time. Not in Jingshi"
" Okay. Understood, and to answer your question, yes he was here. He was here early in the morning at 5 exactly."
Reading his brother's face XiChen knew he will have to explain the details. So he continued.
"A-Xian was here in the morning asking for a permission. He said he want to search our storage room for an artifact."
"Artifact .... ?, what Artifact ?"

XiChen sighed

"something that would help him to travel back to the past"

Shocked would be un understatement for Wangji. How did he know about that when he himself was unaware of such a thing?
"A device to Time travel ? Is it really a thing ? Is it here ?"

"Yes. But it is as old as the yin iron. There is a device. No, not a device, it is a stone. The ancestor who kept it here claimed it as a device that can take us to the past. But no one ever tried or no one ever came back alive after trying it. But I don't understand how A-Xian knew about this. It was not even in my memory until he directly asked for that stone. So I told him to search the storage room. In fact I don't know even how it looks like. When we rebuilt this place after that fire, many things were stolen or lost... So we don't know whether it is still here or it would serve the said purpose."

From his brother's entire speech, Lan Wangji's mind was stuck at this one particular sentence "no one ever came back alive after trying it", it was repeating again and again in his mind.. Yesterday's was not a loose talk. Wei Ying meant each and every word he said. He is going to do something dangerous. He is determined to bring them back.

" Wangji What happened ? What is he planning to do with it?"

"Xiongzhang didn't ask?"

"Well.. your husband is very skilled at dodging the questions. Only thing he said is, he is creating some talismans and devices that could be very beneficial for us. Wangji, I reminded him to be cautious around the room but you know how curious he is. There is a lot of dangerous and poisonous things stored in there. Please ask him to be vigilant"

"haaa one more thing" He continued "What ever he is planning to do, if it is involving a time travel device and ancient scrolls from the hidden library, then is is very risky and extremely dangerous. I think you should at least try to stop him before he accidentally harm himself. Both you and him are my brothers, I don't want to loose anyone anymore "

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