Part 10

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With so many pairs of eyes staring, Madam Mo could neither hit him nor throw him out. Anger welled up deep inside her, and she could only forcefully compromise the two sides, "Stealing? Robbing? That's a bit disrespectful, if you ask me. We are all part of one family, and he only wanted to take a look at them. A-Yuan is your younger brother, so what's wrong with taking a few of your things? As an older brother, you shouldn't be reluctant to lend one or two playthings, should you? It's not as if he won't return them."

"How come grandfather always finds these kind of families?", Jin RuLan thought. He after took the responsibility of the sect always had to deal with the problems created by his grandfather. Even now the illegitimate offsprings of Jin GuangShan was appearing in Koi tower once in a while, demanding their acceptance.

The boys from the Lan clan stared speechlessly at one another. These young boys grew up in a cultivation clan, exposed to splendor and that only. They'd probably never seen farces like this, or even heard of this kind of logic. Wei WuXian laughed hysterically in his mind, and extended his hand, "Then, return them."

Of course, it was impossible for Mo ZiYuan to return anything, having either thrown them out or disassembled them. Even if he was able to return them, his pride wouldn't have allowed it. His face turned purple with anger and he shouted, "... Mom!" His glare raged, are you really allowing him to treat me like this?

Lady Mo glowered at him, signaling for him to not worsen the situation. However, Wei WuXian spoke again, "Not only should he not have stolen my belongings, he shouldn't have stolen them in the middle of the night. Everyone knows that I am into men. Even if he was not ashamed, I knew to not look suspicious."

A small gasp could be heard from his side and Wei WuXian, at that moment wished for the earth to make a crack and swallow him as a whole. He knew he would be done for if he look at his husband now.

"Wei WuXian, You are a Lan. Remember it before you speak", Master Lan knew there is no point in getting angry at his nephew in-law. Still he couldn't bear to watch his shameless talks.

"Uncle, in my defense I was not a Lan yet, also that's Mo XuanYu"

"Didn't you say you were the best cultivator, a while ago ?, that was Wei WuXian and now this is Mo XuanYu?", Jiang Cheng asked.

Wei WuXian peeped at his dear husband, then told his brother, "Jiang Cheng, that is just a strategy. You will get it , okay"

Lady Mo gasped and shouted, "What are you talking about, in front of the villagers? How shameless-A-Yuan is your cousin!"

In terms of running wild, Wei WuXian was definitely a master. In the past, if he wanted to run wild, he would have to keep his status in mind, but now, he was a lunatic anyways, which meant that he could do whatever he wanted to, whichever way he wanted. He stiffened his neck and argued defiantly, "Even though he knew that I was his cousin, he chose to not avoid me, so who was more shameless? I don't care about your reputation, but don't ruin my innocence! I still want to find a good man!"

"That you did. The second best Gentlemen of the Cultivation world. So Wei Xiong is it true that you can predict the future??", That question was not at all innocent and WuXian understood it.

"I don't know what happens next here, but I have heard him being more shameless than this for sure", Jin ling said.

"Wangji why are you silent? Look at your husband who was saving himself for you", It was not often Lan XiChen gets lucky chance to tease his brother in-law. so he asked Wangji looking at WuXian.

"XiChen Ge, I didn't even know I liked men that time. I was just speaking on behalf of Mo XuanYu and ..", WuXian stopped noticing Xichen indicating at Wangji. Even though XiChen couldn't figure out the reason but he could see jealousy spreading in his younger brother's face.

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