Part 62

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The undergarments were what he wore next to his body. It never would've been suitable for Lan WangJi to wear. However, his robe was already hideously dirty. All of the GusuLan Sect's people loved to be clean. Giving such an item of clothing to Lan WangJi seemed to be a bit offensive. Lan WangJi didn't say anything. He didn't look at him either, so Wei WuXian tossed the white, dried-out undergarment toward him. He donned the robe himself and left in silence.

"There is no use expecting to be clean and proper in that kind of atmosphere", Jingyi commented.

The two waited for an entire three days.

There was no sun or moon within the cave. They only knew that it had been three days because of the creepy sleep pattern of the Lan Sect's people —sleeping and waking involuntarily when the time came. Thus, it was possible to calculate the time from how many times Lan WangJi had slept.

"Hahahhahaa", Jin Ling laughed out loudly.. "Just like I guessed. Their far-fetched routine of rest came to use"

"It is not just that", Lan QiRen said with a long face making the child shut his mouth. "There is a reason for each and every one of our rules"

"Oh is it? ", Wei Wuxian raised his eyebrow and with his signature smirk he asked, "Interacting with Wei Wuxian is forbidden!!.. What is the purpose of that ?"

"There is a rule ?"Jin Ling widened his eyes at the muted Lan QiRen. "But aren't you the Lan-Er-Furen?", he asked again, As Lan QiRen refused to answer further and Lan WangJi and Lan Xichen remained silently supporting Wuxian to continue his interrogation.

"Exactly my point", Wuxian exclaimed.

"Then did you ignore him when he was living with you in Cloud Recess? ", Jin Ling pointed his question to his friends. 

"Of course not", Jingyi acted as if Lan QiRen was not even there. "We will meet and then get punished", he grinned.

"How can there be a rule that forbids me to meet my father? ", SiZhui questioned , "and Lan-Er Gonzi, my A-Die, was this said person's husband, sharing his residence, openly breaking the rule. Then why would we care", he shrugged his shoulders like he didn't just challenge an elder.

"Is it still there? ", Nie HuiSang was amused by the way kids were reacting to this. He remembered when he was studying in cloud recess, every Lan Kids were exceptionally dedicated to follow the rules, without questioning them. But now even the future heirs are questioning and breaking the unfair rules.

"No Uncle annulled it a few months before", Lan Xichen smiled, "like SiZhui said, Wei Wuxian is WangJi's husband. When uncle accepted this fact, he himself put forward the idea of annulment"

"This is why I forbid the interaction with him", Lan QiRen's face was sulking and it was funny to watch a man in his fifties trying to control his expressions. "He took WangJi and the kids are copying him now". But he didn't have the courage to say it out and get embarrassed by the juniors again. Especially under the supervision of Wei Wuxian, they might make him amend all the rules.

With the past three days of conserving energy, the injury on Lan WangJi's leg didn't worsen and was slowly healing. He was able to sit in the lotus position to meditate soon afterward.

Within these days, Wei WuXian hadn't been flashing before his sight. After Lan WangJi returned to a calm state of mind and adjusted his mood, he was the poker-faced Lan Zhan once more, and so Wei WuXian finally returned as though nothing had happened, pretending with a thick face that he had seen and heard nothing that night. With much discretion, he didn't tease him anymore either. The two's interactions were lukewarm, though peaceful.

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