Part 59

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I hope you won't get bored with this chapter🙉


He knows, more than anyone, what happened in that cave, how he managed to drag Lan Wangji out of this creature's teeth and most importantly how they killed the tortoise. But watching them again, Wei WuXian understood that, let it be 20 years or 2000 years, the chill running through his spine when he watched Lan Wangji drowning was enough to freeze his entire body. That is what Wei Wuxian is feeling now. A chill merged both his heart and brain into an ice block.

He can see Lan SiZhui's desperate whisper to make sure WangJi is okay. But he is unable to move. With an utmost shock he realized he is not courageous as his teenage self was. Or maybe that's because the man in danger is now his husband, making the situation more emotional than logical. His husband and son, the family he made, was the only thing keeping him alive now and watching one of them in grave danger, even though the time already passed, made it hard to breathe. Bringing back the memories of his parents never returned and Shijie died in front of his eyes. Maybe that's why he could understand SiZhui when he hugged his father out of worry and didn't let go.

"I'm here", he could hear Lan WangJi whispering back to their son. He could see the fear in Lan SiZhui's eyes flowing on his cheeks and wetting Lan WangJi's pristine robes when the former hugged his A-die and buried his face on his shoulder. With one hand Lan WangJi was patting on SiZhui's back trying to hearten him. Only when the warm fingers touched his face did Wei WuXian comprehend that he was also crying.

"If I'm in danger", Lan Wangji said, making sure no drops of tear are left on his husband's eyes and face, "I have a man strong and clever enough to bring me back safe"

Wei WuXian broke into a sprint. Just as the head was about to shrink inside, he threw himself over, clinging to one of the teeth on its upper jaw.

His strength could never have been able to compete with such a monster's. Yet, under the life-or-death situation, superhuman strength had exploded within him. His feet were propped up against the shell of the beast while his hands clung onto the fang no matter what. Like a prick of some kind, he used his body to block its path, preventing it from shrinking inside, from getting the chance to enjoy the delicacy.

Lan WangJi didn't expect that he could catch up even under such circumstances. He was utterly shocked.

Wei WuXian was afraid that the beast might break out, either eating them alive or biting off Lan WangJi's leg. His right hand continued to grab onto the upper fang while his left hand clenched onto a lower fang. His hands pushing in opposite directions at the same time, he forced strength into his arms as though his life depended on it, the vein at his forehead protruding so much that it seemed to be on the verge of bursting. His face was bloodred.

The two rows of fangs were already deep into Lan WangJi's blood and bones. Yet, its jaws really were being slowly forced open!

"I could never".

Jiang Cheng thought in his mind. One thing he is sure of was that he will never risk his life for anyone outside his family. That was something only Wei WuXian's level of people could do. AND he is definitely not one of them. He remembered how he tormented Wei WuXian for saving Lan WangJi, but watching it in real life Jiang Cheng knew he didn't have it easy, whether it be saving Lan WangJi or killing the tortoise.

But he also understood, Wei Wuxian saving the Wens was also just like this. Here he put himself in danger to save Lan WangJi because He also risked his life to save Wei Wuxian. To repay Wens for their kindness for saving Jiang Cheng, he put himself in danger again by saving and protecting them.

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