Part 40

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"Yesterday night"

Jin Ling, "He set foot in Cloud Recess and immediately started looking for trouble? "

"Knowing both my fathers, I hope it doesn't' get worse ", SiZhui said questioningly. "How old were you at that time?"

"14-15", Lan Wangji Answered for him

"Yesterday... Yesterday night?!" Jiang Cheng was stunned, "There's a curfew in the Cloud Recesses. Where did you see him? Why don't I know about this?"

Wei WuXian pointed, "There."

He pointed to the top of a very tall wall.

"Definitely a unique place for the first meeting", Jingyi chuckled

The others were out of speech. Jiang Cheng even felt his head growing larger and clenched his teeth, "We just came and you got into trouble! What's the matter about?"

Wei WuXian replied with a grin, "There really isn't much. When we came, we passed that liquor shop called 'Emperor's Smile', right? Yesterday at night, I was tossing and turning, and couldn't stand it any longer, so I went down the mountain, into the city, and brought back two jars. Mind you, we don't have the chance to drink this in Yunmeng."

Jiang Cheng, "Then, where's the liquor?"

"UNCLE!!!!! "Jin Ling screamed at Jiang WanYin, "you started drinking at 14? AND you forbid me . I'm 17 now"

"Pfffftttt" ,Wei WuXian covered his mouth instantly so as not to slip out the words dancing on his tongue. WanYin was already sending him bullets through his eyes.

"Because I know the side effects. That's why I forbid you", Jiang WanYin said, trying to convince the teenager. 14?seriously? They were in Cloud Recess at 14. So logically they started drinking much earlier than that. Would he want his nephew to know that? Indubitably NO.

If eyes could talk, then Jin RuLan's eyes are full of arguments with his uncle now. "Seriously uncle? You really think I would buy that lame excuse? I never saw you or Uncle Wei getting drunk"

Wei Wuxian chipped into that conversation, "that is not an excuse to follow us. We are already tipplers, Jin Ling. If you want to follow your uncle, then learn his skills. You already got more than enough of his terrible temper"

"Wei WuXian, you are supposed to advise him, stop bad mouthing me"

"Okay okay, Uncles and nephew. We will discuss this in another time", Lan Xichen tried to stop them. "No Lan Jingyi, Lan SiZhui you are not allowed to drink ever" he faced Lan Juniors. As expected both Jingyi and SiZhui were thinking of the possibility that , in any case, they would be allowed to consume alcohol. Hearing their sect leader, both at once stopped functioning.

"Yes, Lan's shouldn't be allowed to drink. I understand why your ancestors set that rule", Wuxian said, looking directly at his husband. He was never scared and excited of anything at the same time, in his life, more than the drunk Lan WangJi. There is no one skilled enough to guess what Lans would do, once they get drunk.

Wei WuXian, "Well, when I just flipped over the top of the wall, before I even had one leg inside, I was caught by him."

One youth remarked, "Wei-Xiong, you must have struck gold. He probably just got out of seclusion and went on night patrol, and caught you red-handed."

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