Part 39

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There is something about human beings that is making us unique from the other creatures alive. Some say that it is the capability of reasoning, some say it's the ability to think critically, some say it's the skills we possess , some say it's the capacity of our brain, some say it's the imagination that makes us stand out from the crowd. Have you ever thought about this? We humans are not the first ones to be here. We definitely won't be the last either. Then what would be that making us rule this world? Something that gives us the power to make others obey ?

Jiang Cheng replied with a great deal of foresight, "You'd definitely be a mark of shame in his entire teaching career." In that year, aside from the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, there were also the young masters from other clans, sent to study here from parents who heard of the reputation. The young masters were all around fifteen or sixteen. Because the sects all knew the others, although they weren't close, they had seen others' faces before. It was widely known that, although Wei WuXian's surname was not Jiang, he was the leading disciple of the sect leader of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect—Jiang FengMian, and also the son of his friend who had passed away. In fact, the sect leader regarded him as his own child. This, along with how youths were not as concerned with status and ancestors as elders, they were soon friends. Only a few sentences passed, and everyone started to call others older brothers or younger brothers. Somebody asked, "The Lotus Pier of the Jiang Clan is much more fun than here, right?"

Both Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng let out a pfft in silence. What was it ? Wei Wuxian is the son of Jiang FengMian's late friend? Jiang FengMian treated Wei Wuxian as his own child ?? "I don't remember him being addressed as a good friend's son", Jiang Cheng scoffed at the scene, more like at his now dead father. As time went on, he didn't even address himself as the son of the Jiang sect leader's friend. For the authority of the Jiang Sect, Wei Wuxian was always the head discipline and son of a servant. Don't try to change the truth. They never considered him as our own"

"Aren't you talking about your own parents? ", asked Lan QiRen, totally confused by the sect leader's sudden behavior change.

"That doesn't mean I need to cover up what they did. Jie-Jie and I considered him as our sibling and he knows how much mother scolded us for the same and how father always stayed mute. I was too young and recreant at that time. But if I don't say it now, then there won't be another chance", he said, paying attention to the elder. "I thought you must have heard about it. How the multi talented head discipline of Yunmeng Jiang Sect was getting treated by sect leader and madam"

"Jiang Cheng, can please stop? That is not important. It's all in the past now. They are dead. What is the use of talking about the spilled milk? ", Wei Wuxian asked. All he wanted was to move on from this subject.

"we are already discussing over a spilled milk", Jiang Cheng reminded him of this show they are being forced to watch

Lan Wangji gritted his teeth, "no use of talking because already dead ? ", his voice didn't contain a bit of softness, "then why are we even here in the first place?". And Wei Wuxian completed the unsaid words. "Didn't you want to bring back your loved one's from death ? "

Wei Wuxian's mind was in turmoil. There is this fact he should accept just like Jiang WanYin and Nie HuiSang did. He will be exposed and there is nothing he could do about that. The secret chamber of his life is filled with vexatious souvenirs of the past and they are going to be open in a few minutes.

Wei WuXian laughed, "Fun or not fun depends on how fun you make it to be. There's definitely less rules than here, and no need to wake up so early."

The GusuLan Sect wakes at five in the morning and rests at nine in the evening, not allowing any delay. Somebody else asked, "When do you guys wake up? What do you do during the day?"

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