Part 63

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Wei WuXian took his hand away. He knew that this was probably one of the people dragged inside by the Xuanwu of Slaughter. Feeling around some more, he found a boot. The half of a leg within the boot had already rotted to a point of being half-flesh and half-bone.

It seemed that the beast didn't take to cleanliness at all. The leftovers that it either didn't finish or couldn't finish leaked out from between its fangs and into its shell. The more it ate, the more there were. Throughout the hundreds of years, it had piled into a thick layer. And, as of the moment, Wei WuXian was standing right amid the corpse sludge composed of broken limbs.

After crawling around for the past few days, he was already so grimy that it was painful to look at. Wei WuXian didn't care at all that he'd become even filthier. He carelessly wiped his hands on his trousers and continued to walk.

Watching this was beyond disgusting. It was quite unbelievable that a live human being was walking around that place filled with the remains of dead humans and that place is the shell of a gigantic tortoise. Nobody could go through that experience and stay sane afterwards. But this is Wei WuXian that we are talking about.

When he was inside the shell, the only thing Lan WangJi could do was Wait. He heard some whimpers and screams and apart from that he had no idea what was happening inside the shell. Later on he was informed about the dead bodies or half eaten prey, still he didn't think it would be this worse.

The snores of the beast sounded louder and louder. The waves of air became heavier, and the corpse sludge under his feet became thicker. Finally, his hand came into contact with the beast's rough skin. He felt around as he slowly walked forward, along the skin. As he had expected, scales covered the head and the neck, but beneath that was a thick, uneven surface. The deeper he went, the thinner and more delicate the skin became.

At this point, the sludge had already risen to Wei WuXian's waist. Most of the corpses here hadn't been finished yet, the bodies left remaining in larger pieces. It shouldn't be called a corpse sludge anymore, but rather a corpse mound. Wei WuXian reached behind his back, preparing to take out the arrows and the rods, but suddenly found that the bundle of rods seemed to be stuck to something and couldn't be removed.

He clenched the handles of the rods and finally pulled it out, using all of his strength. At the same time, the front of the rods took out something with it from within the mound, letting out a soft clang.

"What is that ?", Lan Jingyi asked on the screen and then turned his head to Wei Wuxian seeking an answer.

Wei WuXian froze at once.

"Ohh please don't tell me the beast woke up", they said it out loud as a prayer

"It could be the worst thing happening now"

A few moments had passed, and no noise came from around him. The beast hadn't lashed out either. He finally let out a breath of relief, The rods seemed to be stuck to something. Judging from the sound that it made, it's also made of iron? And it's quite long. Let's see if it can be useful. I'm short of something to use as a weapon. It'd be great if it's a high level spiritual sword!

He reached out and felt for the object. Its shape was long, though it was dull and covered in rust.

The second that he grabbed it, shrill screams sounded within Wei WuXian's ears.

They all held their hand over their ears to stop the screeching... It was too much for a person's ears to bear. The sound was earsplitting and the energy it erupted was damped with darkness.

It was as if hundreds of thousands of people were wailing their lungs out in desperation right into his ears. Immediately, cold air traveled up his arm through his entire body. With a shiver, Wei WuXian pulled his hand away. What is this? Its energy of resentment is so strong!

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