Part 46

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At the moment, Lan WangJi was keeping a sharp lookout. As he heard the words, he looked up, only to see Wei WuXian's bamboo paddle sweep up a splash of water and strike it toward him. With a tap of his foot, Lan WangJi lightly hopped onto another boat, dodging the spray. He was quite angered, thinking to himself that, sure enough, Wei WuXian was here to fool around, "Pathetic!"

However, Wei WuXian kicked the side of the boat which he was standing on, and tipped it over using the bamboo paddle. On the bottom of the boat, there were three water ghouls with swelling faces and ashen skin, tightly clinging onto the wooden boards!

A disciple who stood nearby immediately suppressed the three. Lan XiChen smiled, "Young Master Wei, how did you know that they were below the boats?"

Wei WuXian knocked on the side of the boat, "Simple! The displacement of water was wrong. He was the only person who stood on the boat, yet the displacement was greater than those of boats that carried two people. There must have been something on the bottom."

Lan XiChen praised him, "You are experienced indeed."

Wei WuXian's paddle lightly glided through the water, and the boat's speed quickened, so that he was right next to Lan WangJi's boat. He spoke, "Lan Zhan, I didn't splash water on you on purpose. Water ghouls are really clever. If I said it out loud, they would've heard it and got away. Hey, don't ignore me. Why don't you look at me, Second Young Master Lan?"

Lan WangJi finally condescended and gave him a glance, "Why did you come?"

Wei WuXian spoke with sincerity, "I'm here to apologize to you. Last night was my fault. I was wrong."

"But it doesn't feel like he was apologetic", HuiSang giggle

"Why would he?', Jiang WanYin eyed his shiXiong. "He was planned it all along these days to get back to WangJi and make some expressions from him"

Wei Wuxian gasped aloud this time. "You traitors", he sneered. "Jiang Cheng, it was your idea to do something extreme to get him reacted and you, Nie HuiSang you were the one suggested that book"

Both Nie HuiSang and Jiang WanYin didn't bother to spare him a glance. They sat there like they don't even know whom he is talking about. Lan Xichen, watching the trio, smiled. Only if it was another time, they would be still friends with each other just like in the past

Lan WangJi's countenance was slightly dark, most likely because he still didn't forget how Wei WuXian "apologized" to him. Wei WuXian asked, although he knew the answer, "Why do you look so gloomy? Don't worry. Today, I'm really here to help."

Jiang Cheng couldn't watch the scene any longer, "If you want to help, then stop chattering and come here!"

A disciple shouted, "The net moved!"

Sure enough, the ropes of the net started to wobble. Wei WuXian beamed, "It's here, it's here!"

Thick, long hair formed veils of black satin, surging and swelling around the boats. Amid them, pairs of ghastly hands gripped onto the sides. Lan WangJi backhandedly drew his sword, Bichen, and severed ten-or-so wrists on the left of the boat, leaving only palms with fingers digging deep into the wood. As he was about to cut the ones on the right, a red light flashed past, and Wei WuXian's sword was already back in its sheath.


"It definitely have a soul"

The kids let out an exasperated sound. It is definitely not the first time they are watching them in action, but each time feels new. The name Wei Wuxian and Lan WangJi was widespread among the cultivation land before YiLing Lanzhou and Han Guang-Jun reached. So this was like evidence to prove how skilled both are even during their teen years.

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