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Imagine living in a world where you're "soul mate" is super easy to find. A world where they already know what to look for and so do you. Because you're born with a tattoo, and only one other person has the same tattoo in the exact same spot. Sounds great doesn't it? Well you're wrong. It sucks.

I live in that world. And what a complete and utter disaster it is.

If you're trying to understand how we are born with tattoos, don't. I've been wondering my whole life and I still can't figure it out. My idea? That years ago someone tampered with DNA and hardwired it for this, then did it to everyone. Most likely someone who wanted a soul mate desperately. Don't ask me how i came up with this because I don't know. Why not inherit your parents tattoos? That I don't have any ideas for.

Now you're probably wondering, what if my soulmate is a complete ass? What if I don't like them? What if they are the same gender as I am and I'm not into that? Well my answer to that, which I have been told multiple times, is to bad. You're stuck with them, can't marry anyone else. Just them. Yea, now you understand where I'm coming from.

Dating. Now we aren't supposed to date people with other tattoos but have you met a teenager who actually listens to the rules? Yea me neither.

There are the lucky few who do end up loving their "soul mates" with all their heart. Those people have life easy, they have kids with love not force and barely ever fight and they talk to each other, not avoid them. Others hate each other so much that it's a wonder how they have children. It's a wonder they live on the same street let alone in the same house.

Most kids, like me, hide their tattoos because we don't want anyone to know what ours is. We hide them so when we do meet "the one" they don't know that we are theirs. That way we can get a good look, that is if they aren't hiding their tattoo as well.

That's my world. If you still think it's an amazing and great and perfect world then stop reading this, let yourself keep thinking that, stop reading and live your life happily.

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