Chapter 21: A Different Perspective

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James' P.O.V
He's jealous and it's funny. My amazing brother is jealous that I get the girl. Even though she's the girl I didn't want. He knows that. He knows I don't want to spend the rest of my life with Mia and he's mad. Mad because he wants to spend his life with her.

Classes are no longer fun. We fight and it's really for nothing and she doesn't even look my way. She doesn't want to be with me. I can tell. Her mums birthday? Oh please, she's avoiding me. It's not that hard to see.

I sit at lunch and await for everyone to show up. She's first to arrive. The girl I've slowly fallen in love with. Artemis takes her seat across from me and puts her head in the table.

"Bad day?" I ask

"Bad week" she mumbles into the table

"People, classes or school in general?" I ask trying to keep the conversation going

"Can i say everything and everyone in general?" She says lifting her head, "minus you guys of course" she smiles

I can't help but smile back at her. Her smile is just so contagious. The moment was going well but then everyone else came in and ruined it. The other girls took their seats next to Artemis and my brother dearest sat next to me.

"How was everyone's day?" Mia asked

We all replied with either a 'meh' or a groan. She huffed.

"Well, aren't we all the most talkative bunch today" she rolled her eyes at us all

She pretty. I will admit that but she's not my type. Green eyes and brown hair just aren't my thing. Her personality is amazing but I just don't like it. Artemis however is just amazing. She's sarcastic and witty and all out just a great person. My type exactly. I wonder what her tattoo is?


School holidays are almost here. Three days to be exact the I'll be out of here for a few weeks. It might give me some time to plan how to tell Lachlan that Mia is all his and how I'm going to ask Artemis out. Maybe I could get some help from the girls? That would be good. But I'd have to tell Lachlan right now. And Mia. Oh god I'd have to tell Mia that I don't want to spend the rest of my life with her. That might not go well.

Or, somewhere in the back of mind comes with, she might be fine with it seeing as she deist like you back.

I nod to myself. That might just work.

Woo! Another persons P.O.V has finally been added! Also so sorry it's short and that it's not the best but seriously, writing from a guys perspective is hard!

~Bri :)

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