Chapter 30: Beginning of Forever

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Mia's P.O.V
"Guess what, guess what, guess what" Elaine chanted into the phone, I could practically feel the slaps on my arm

"What's?" Artemis and I asked

"Well, I was walking to my locker after class right, and Jamison was walking with me like usual and once we got to my locker he started stuttering a lot and fiddling with random things and then he looked me in the eye and asked me out and I said yes and we're going to the cinemas this Saturday and oh my god"

She spoke fast but luckily, we speak Elaine. And that's some of the best news. I had told him of course about not having to marry the person with the same tattoo as you. He was ecstatic. Which obviously meant he wanted to marry Elaine. And gods, I hope he does. He's perfect for her. Quirky in all the right ways. He's practically the guy version of Elaine.

"Oh my god E! That's amazing!" I squeal into the phone

"Wish James would do that with me. It's been three days, three! You'd think if Jamison could work up enough nerve then James would" Artemis huffs

I giggle at her. No patience. She has absolutely none whatsoever. It's funny really.

"Maybe he's planning to ask you out romantically" Elaine suggests

I giggle, "yea, he'll stand in the table at lunch and profess his undying love for you I front of everyone in the school. How romantic"

Laughter fills the phone and I smile at what I said. I can be funny when I feel like it, otherwise it's simply sarcasm or annoyance. All three work out in my favor anyway. The laughter dies down.

"Shut up Mia. But I've gotta go, ily guys, cya in HEEEEEELLLLLLLLL!!!" Artemis says and hangs up

"I've gotta go too, I'll cya tomorrow" Elaine says

"Ok, cya!"

She hangs up and u turn to look at my ceiling. It weird really. At the start of this year I thought it'd be like all the others, boring and unworthy of noting but it's been hectic. I found my soulmate who actually like my best friend and I like his brother who is soul mates with my other best friend and she likes my next door neighbor who likes her back but is the soulmate to my best friend. I'm surprised I understand myself sometimes.


"Come in!" I yell

Dan walks into my room. He's still shocked that I kissed Lachlan, heck I am as well, but he plays it off as though it didn't happen. That I'm glad for.

"Dinner time little person" he says

"Hey! I'm older!" I yell

"But you're still short" he says and walks out of my room

I groan and roll my eyes. Brothers.


"Hey Mia!" James calls over the bustling crowd that I call the school hallway

"James!" I say when he's by my side, "what's up mah friend?"

"Nothing much, just need your help on something"

"Oh yea? Well, fire away"

"Well...When do you think is a good time to ask out Artemis?"

We reach my locker and I look at him.

"Uh, now. She's waiting ya know"


He sounded like a little girl that found out they were getting a pony. It was sickeningly sweet.

"Yes James"

"Oh my god Mia! Yay!"

He rushes off down the hall, a skip in his step.

I shake my head and laugh. That boys an idiot. Closing my locker, I walk off to lunch. Lachlan appears at my side halfway down the hall and we walk in silence.

"Your brothers an idiot" I say

"Oh yea? How so?" He laughs

"He couldn't even tell that Artemis liked him, even though it was pretty obvious"

He laughed again, "he's an idiot"

We were about to walk through the doors to the cafeteria when Lachlan pulled me to the side. I looked at him questioningly. The hell is he doing?

"Mia, I was wondering if you'd like to start again. Ya know? Go out again. If you'd like to that is. If you don't that's fine I was just wondering if you-" he rambled

I pushed my lips to his in order to shut him up.

"Yes. Yes I would like to start again" I say

He smiles at me, we link hands and walk into the cafeteria together. Little did I know then, that once we walked through those doors it would be the beginning of a forever for all of us.

Hey guys, just like to say that this book is coming to a close. One chapter to go sadly. It's been fun writing this book but in a way I'm also glad it's over. I hope those of you who have read this will maybe check out my other stuff? There won't be a sequel to this. And there are many other books on their way to my profile! Try and keep updated!

Love you all!

~Bri :)

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