Chapter 25: Easier For Me

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Mia's P.O.V
How in the world was I going to get them together. This is going to be hard. But I've got to try. Please oh please let this work out.

I think to myself all this whilst pacing my room. How oh how was I going to get James and Artie together? Along with helping Elaine out with her Lachlan problem. I groan and flop onto my bed, covering my face with my hands. I turn over and scream into my pillow. Gods this is super hard. Why the hell am I the love guru now? Ugh.


I turn over to see a message from Artie.

Artie🐉😘: Mia, as soon as you reply to this I'm going to call you

Mia: ok then, call away girl

A second later and I hear the ringing of my phone and pick it up.

"Hey Artie, what's up?" I answer

"Ok Mia, please promise to not laugh or pick on me or anything for what I'm about to ask next"

"Artie, what's wro-"

"Mia. Promise"

"Ok, ok, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die"

I hear her take a deep breath on the other side of the phone. I sit in anticipation, heart starting to breath out of my chest. What's wrong? Has some thing happened? Did she find her soulmate? Oh gods, what is it?

"Does James, uhm, well, you know, have a thing for, uhm, you?" She questions

"Uuuuhhhhhhh, well no...Why?" I answer unsurely

"Well because, oh never mind it doesn't matter. I'm being silly. He's your soulmate"

"Artie, he doesn't want to be. And I have the same feelings towards him about that" I laugh at her, starting to see where this was going

"Oh my god really?" She asks happily, "I, uhm, I mean, that sucks Mia"

"Artie, do you like James?" I ask, raising my eyebrows, even though she can't see me

"I- no- no not at all, nope" she says and I can't help but laugh

"You do! Oh my god! Artie that's amazing!"

"Shhhhh, don't tell anyone. Except Elaine. She can know. But Lachlan? Ah ah, no"

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone" I smirk

"Miiiiaaaa" Artie says

"Sorry Arts, but I've gotta go. Dinner!" I lie and hang up

Oh my, things just got a lot easier for me.

I've gotta text Elaine!

I grave my phone and text here

Mia: E, Artie just told me something amazing!

I thought I'd have to wait for a while but no, she replied straight away.

Elaine🐱😘: what? What is it? What happened?!


Elaine🐱😘: NO WAY!

Mia: Yes way! And I've gtg! Cya tomorrow

I put my phone on my bedside table. Well, that's one way to end the afternoon. Now, how to get James to ask Artemis out?...

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