Chapter 23: Tension

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Heyo! I'm back. Sorry for the delay but writers block. This chapter has been re written so many times its not funny. But I've finally got something for you all. The next chapter should be out on a few days time. Hopefully. Thank you all for sticking with me through this! Love you all!
~ Bri :)

Mia's P.O.V
Elaine came up to me hurriedly straight after I walked in to the school.

"Geez Laine, give her a sec to get adjusted to hell first eh?" Dan said

Elaine smiled and backed off me for a second. Daniel walked off smuggly, obviously happy with his amazing retort at my friend. Assbutt.

"Sorry Mia" Elaine said

"Tis all good. But what's with the rush?"

"Lachlan." She said with wide eyes

"Yes E, Lachlan is a person. A person whom we are friends with" I said sarcastically

"No no no. Not what I mean. His tattoo. He showed me. Mia! It matches mine!"

Thank the gods, he finally showed her. I'm a bit upset, but I'm happy. My friend has her soulmate, that's a good thing right? I shouldn't let a little crush get in the way of that right?

"That's amazing E!" I exclaim

"No it's not!" She says, tears forming

I stand in shock, "what do you mean it's not?"

"I mean, I don't want to spend my life with him! Do you see the complication here!"

"Believe me, I understand completely" I drop my head down and whisper to her, "James likes Artie, not me. And same goes. I don't wanna spend my life with him"

Elaine gasps, "no way! Does Artie know?"

"Nope, but I've promised James that I'll help him get her. Gods this will be hard. She likes the whole soulmate idea."

"Mmmmm, I agree"

Our conversation couldn't continue on because the bubbly friend of ours pops up next to me with no clue on what's going on. Ah innocence, those were the days.

"Whatchyas talkin bout?" She questions

"Puppies" I say

"Horses" Elaine says

We look at each other and giggle. Oops.

Artemis glares at us high but drops it.

"Cmon, let's go drop your stuff and head to class!" Elaine smiles and skips off

Artemis and I follow at a leisurely pace.


When lunch comes it couldn't be more awkward. With Elaine and I in on James's plan and Elaine and Lachlan now knowing that they're soulmates the table was filled with tension. Artemis seemed to be the only normal one at the table and was continuously looking at me as soon as I looked from James straight at her. I don't think I was being subtle with my amazing analysis.

Does Lachlan know about James and his liking towards Artemis?
Does he know that Elaine doesn't like him?
Does he know I still do?
Does he like me?

Thoughts swirl and swirl around my head so much that I feel dizzy and forget to eat. The food is on my noticed when I have to dump it in the trash after the bell goes for our final period of the day.

Art. For me and the boys. Gods, this was gonna be great fun.

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