Chapter 5: Dinner

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Mia's P.O.V
Straight after the fourth period bell, signaling home time, my friends manage to find me.

"Who were they?!" Elaine practically screams, making everyone around us stare

"Hush!" I say

"Fine, but seriously what? Who? How? Why?"

"Ok, ok. They're names are Lachlan and James Pott, Lachlan has the brown hair, James the black. They have every class with me, sadly, and yea" I explain the best I can

"But. But. But" Artemis stammers

"They're not to bad looking?" I question

Their eyes widen and they nod. I laugh. Ah, my friends.

"Where is that boy?" I wonder out loud, "his detention should be over by now"

Just as the words escape my mouth, Daniel stalks out of the schools front doors, looking pissed off, and leaves the school grounds. I give my friends a goodbye and rush after him. Damnit, what now?

"Dan! Dan, wait up!" I say, jogging to match his pace. "What happened?"

"That stupid teacher happened!" He yelled frustrated

"Which one?"

"Mr fudging Fae!"

Oh no. Mr Fae, dragon, left arm. He's a complete ass, hates everyone. Gives out detentions and suspensions at the click of a finger. Everyone knows who he is, everyone knows to avoid him at all costs. I sigh.

"What happened?"

Daniel stops walking.

"I wasn't doing 'my work hard enough' so I've got another two detentions!"

I gasp, "dads gonna kill you!"

"Only if he finds out!" Dan says and starts walking again

I match his pace, "what do you mean?"

"I mean, I'll tell mum, who won't care, and dad will never find out because they don't talk to each other. EVER!"

Well he's right there. I just nod and we continue home in a comfortable silence.

Once home, I walk up the stairs to my room. Small and cosy thing with plain white walls that are barley viable underneath all the posters and pictures. Band posters and quotes stick to almost every part of my walls, except for the one place that I dedicate to pictures of me, my friends, my pets and my family. A double bed sits in the middle of the back wall with a desk to it's left and a wardrobe to its right. It's not much but it's good enough for me.

I don't bother looking for my parents, they're both probably hiding away in their separate offices to stay away from each other. And us. I sigh at that thought. Jeez, I've done a lot of sighing today.

I change my shirt and throw my school one into the laundry shoot. Daniel will wash it soon.

I flop onto my bed and grab my phone. Five Instagram notifications, three Pinterest notifications and four snapchats. I'm Miss popular today.

I lie in my room on my bed for three hours until mum calls me down for dinner. The only meal of the day I dread.

I drag myself downstairs and into the kitchen. I'm over come with the smell of spaghetti. Yay.

I sit across from Dan so mum and dad can sit at the ends. That way they don't  have to be 'to close'. Mum serves up dinner to everyone and sits at her end. Dad comes in and grabs his seat at his end, close to the doorway. We all eat in uncomfortable silence, forks scraping bowls the only sound to be heard.

"Got some new kids today" I say, trying to make conversation

"That's nice dear" mum replies, uninterested.

"I killed a man today" I test out, getting a snicker from Dan

"Lovely sweetie" dad says. I roll my eyes.

That's the most amount if words I've heard him say in one sitting. Unless you count me listening to him and mum go off at each other a few times a week. Then that's the most amount of words he's said calmly in one sitting.

Dans face starts to go red. He's always had more trouble dealing with mum and dad than I have. He's always wondered why they can't just get along, seeing as they're "soul mates" and all. I've simply accepted that it's just how it ends for some people. He, on the other hand, hasn't.

"Screw this" he says, pushing his chair backwards, "I don't know why I even bother anymore" he walks away from the table.

I get up and follow, but not before I have my little input.

"Thanks for the lovely conversation tonight" my voice comes out as cold as ice as I glare at the people I have the privilege of calling my parents.

I head upstairs in time to see Dan slam his door. I hear the lock turn. Well, looks like I'm not going to see him till tomorrow then.

Dinner at my place. Every damn night. It's such a wonder why my friends don't come around much anymore.

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