Chapter 7: Detention and a Sleepover

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Mia's P.O.V
A detention! He gave me a bloody detention! It wasn't even my fault! If that stupid bitch had watched where she was going! Calm Mia, just calm down. At least she got the suspension. Not you. I think, trying to calm myself down as I walk to the room that I would be spending two hours in after school for the rest of the week. Great, just bloody great.

I walk in and plop down up the back. Elaine didn't get in trouble because she didn't interfere and Artemis is lucky she wasn't expelled! Three weeks suspension! I wonder how her parents will take her getting a suspension?

My brother walks in, eyes widening once he spots me. I smile and wave.

"Wha-how-wait, what?" He stutters

"I got in a fight" I say, shrugging like it wasn't a big deal, "detention for the rest of the week"

"Whoa whoa whoa, back up," he says, "you got in a fight?"


"With who?"

"Clara" I spit

"Oh! Yikes"


Before he could ask why, Mr. Fae walks in and the whole detention room goes silent. He glares at everyone and we begin to either do work we need to catch up on or, like me, stare at the clock just waiting for the two hours to end.

Should I tell mum? She thinks I'm staying back to wait for Dan...But what about the next few days? Unless Dan gets more detentions...ugh! I'm so screwed! The goody goody is now in detention! Mum will kill me if she knows...

These thoughts run through my head as I stare blankly at the clock, watching the hand move around for each minute that passes. I'm gonna bring my sketch book tomorrow, that's for sure.

I start drumming my fingers on my table, not noticing that I was doing it until Mr. Fae yelled at me to 'stop that racket or you'll be in here for another three weeks!' Needless to say I stopped drumming and spent the rest of my time day dreaming. Another three days of this. Yay.


The walk home was silent between Dan and I, well after he interrogated me. "What happened?", "how did the fight start?", "are you ok?". Dinner was the same as usual and I decided not to tell mum about my detentions. I'll let her believe whatever she wants to believe for why I stay at school late.

I lay on my bed for a while, scrolling through my Pinterest before I hear a knock on the door. I go to get up but Dan yells

"I'll get it!"

I nod, even though he can't see me, and lie back down and continue my scrolling. I hear muffled voices then two sets of feet coming up the stairs.

"Mia, it's one of your friends" Dan says, then slams his door, letting me know he's back in his room.

I get off my bed and open my bedroom door. Artemis is waiting in the hall, a duffel bag hanging on her shoulder.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Mum and dad didn't take my suspension to well" she says

"Oh. Come in, I'll grab the spare mattress" she nods in acknowledgement and I leave my room to get the spare mattress from the lounge room closet.

I set it up for my friend.

"Ok," I say, "what happened?"

She goes into full detail of what she said to her parents and the major fight they got into, so on and so forth.

"Oof, doesn't sound good" I say

"It wasn't. So I'm giving them the night to cool off"

"Them or you?"

She smiles, "you know me to well"

We laugh and I look at the time. 10:30PM.

"Well I don't mean to sound like a spoil sport, but unlike you I have school in the morning" I say teasingly, "so I have to go to bed"

Artemis laughs, "fine, fine. Goodnight Mi Mi!"

"Night Artie" I reply before dozing off into a dreamless sleep.

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