Chapter 12: The Spending Of Time

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Mia's P.O.V
Walking into the student car park I start searching for Lachlan's car. 'It's a black Holden Captiva' he had told me. Yea, that's help if I knew what a Captiva looked like! Unless he decides to pop up and show me his car, I'm not gonna find it.

I walk around the car park aimlessly for a while before I have an amazing idea. I should just google what the stupid car looks like. I pull out my phone and search for 'Holden Captiva' and start looking for it in the car park. It doesn't take me long now that I have an image and I make it to the car in five minutes. Lachlan is already there.

"What took you so long?" He questions

"Well your description of the car didn't help all that much"

"It's the only black Holden Captiva in the school!" He says exasperated

"Doesn't help if I don't know what they look like!"

He stares at me before bursting out laughing.

"You- you do-don't know what a Hol- Holden Captiva looks like?" He manages to stutter out over his laughter

I shake my head, blushing slightly.

"You could've just read the names on the back ya know" he says, getting control of himself

I roll my eyes at him and he starts the car. And being the evil and curious person I am I ask;

"So? What's with the butterflies?" Smirking as he grimaces at my question

"Nothing. Childhood trauma" he replies, blushing slightly

"Well, I'm intrigued. Tell me about it"

"No! It's embarrassing!" He says laughing slightly

I start laughing with him, his laughter contagious and start looking at him. Like really looking.

He's attractive, I won't deny that. Strong jawline and he has dimples. His eyes sparkle when he laughs, making him even more attractive. I turn my head away from him before he can see that I'm staring at him. That'd be embarrassing.

We pull up outside his house before I have a chance to ask for this embarrassing butterfly story again. We get out and head up to his room to begin our poster. I still don't like the poster idea but he won.

Taking a seat on his floor I begin to design the the lay out for our poster. This would've been way easier to plan if it was a PowerPoint.


"Lachlan! We need waaaaay more information!" I groan, staring at out posters layout. Only three paragraphs sit on the paper. Ugh, we're so gonna fail AGM.

"No we don't!" He says exasperated

"Lachlan this project is supposed to last four weeks! We've been working on it for two days!"

"So?" He asks bluntly

My face falls. Does he not want to spend time with me? Aren't we friends? Does he hate me? I feel my stomach sink and heart ache.

"Don't you want to hang out with me?" I whisper mostly to myself

Lachlan looks at me, obviously hearing me. He stops whatever he was about to say because my face must be showing how I feel. Just shock and utter sadness.

"Oh no! Mia I didn't mean it like that! I want to spend time with you! Like a lot of time! Honestly it wasn't meant like that at all! It's just I don't like this project and I want it to be done fast!" He tries to explain himself

"It's ok" I mumble

"I REALLY do want to spend time with you" he whispers, almost like it was just meant for him

I simply nod and go back to looking at our bare poster.

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