Chapter 29: Paper Talks

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Mia's P.OV
First period. English. Therefore I got to sit up the back and do nothing because our teacher is amazing. I got to do nothing all lesson, every lesson. It was perfect. This lesson was the same, nothing. Up until Lachlan and James walked in. All my confidence from this morning had faded. Now I felt very vulnerable.

The guys took their seats in either side of me. That's normal. Lachlan seemed off, but not bad off, just off. But he acted fine.

"Mia, do you have a pen?" James asked

"Yep" I say and hand him a pen

"Mind if I borrow one as well?" Lachlan asks

"Sure" I pass him one as well and we go back to silence.

Minutes later and a note is passed onto my desk from Lachlan.

What was that? -L

I roll my eyes at the paper and write back

What was what? -M

You know what -L

I haven't a clue what you're talking about -M

I hear Lachlan groan next to me and I can't help but smirk. Mwahahaha. I'm the queen of innocence and leader of the annoying person group. You can't win.

The kiss this morning Mia! -L

Oh yea, that thing -M

You're so annoying -L

But I'm adorable -M

Lachlan chuckles and I take that as a yes Mia, yes you are. I smile.

But seriously, what was that? -L

I sigh and go into my bag. I'm so glad I printed off that stupid article. It makes everything much more simple. I pass the paper to Lachlan. The first thing he notices is 'Restricted Section' up the top and gives me a look. I simply shrug and he reads on. Everything obviously doesn't click. Males, I swear to the gods.

Does it say anything about marriage? -M

Looks like I have to spell this out to him.

No -L

Exactly. We don't have to marry the person with the same tattoo -M

Lachlans eyes widen and he looks at me. I smile. He smiles as well.

Do the girls know? -L

Yep -M

James? -L

Nope -M

"What don't I know?" James asks

"Where you reading those?!" I whisper yell


I groan and bang my head on the table. A few people from the class look at me funny but then go back to chatting amongst themselves. I pass the print out to James and he reads. Thankfully, being the smarter twin, he gets it straight away. His mouth forms an 'O' shape and I can't help but giggle.

"So this means?"


"For everyone?"


"Oh my god!"

I laugh and look back at Lachlan. He's got the biggest grin on his face and that makes me happy. Maybe now everything will work out fine.

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