Chapter 14: Presenting

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Mia's P.O.V
Six days had passed since my friends had decided to say that I might like Lachlan and even though I tried to fight the whole thing, it feels as though I can see things a lot clearer since that was said. I'm still fighting it though!

I throw a book at Lachlan from the floor and groan. We've got one day to finish our damn AGM project and we still haven't found the story of Nike and enough images! We're gonna fail.

"Calm down Mia!" He exclaims as the book skims his ear, "we're gonna get this done!"

"We've got until tomorrow morning! I highly doubt it!"

He looks at me straight in the eyes, "Mia, if you calm the hell down we will finish this in time"

I melt, "ok" I squeak

He nods and we go back to researching. Well I try but I can't get over the feeling I had when he stared into my eyes. It felt like he was staring into my soul.


We manage to finish everything by 10:30PM. I'd called my parents earlier to say that I would be home late an pd lucky for me they didn't ask why. When I get home I head straight to bed because who wouldn't? 10:30PM with school tomorrow? Sleep is a necessity! But of course my brother decided to sit in my room and wait for me. Ass.

"Daniel! Get out! I want to go to bed"

"Well you're fine so ok" he says and gies to leave

"Wait. You stayed up to make sure I was ok?"

"Well, yea" he says and scratches the back of his neck, "your my sister, I'm allowed to worry about you"

I go to say thank you but he walks out. My brother is the best.


At lunch the next day I start to worry. What if our teacher says we haven't done enough work? What if we fail? My parents will kill me if I fail even one of my classes!

I'm in the middle of my mini panic when Lachlan and James takes their seats at the table and bring me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Mia!" James says then sees the look upon my face, "are you ok?"

"Peachy" I mumble

"She's freaking out over our AGM project" Lachlan says with a mouthful of food

James nods and looks at me, "Cheer up! You're one of the smartest in our class! You'll pass with flying colours!" He beams

It makes me feel a bit better and I'm very thankful for it. But then the bell goes and the panic sets in again. We dump our trays and left over food and head to AGM.

Once we were all seated our teacher decided to call up the first people with their presentation. James and Mikayla walked up. Thank the gods we weren't first!

They started doing their presentation. They did theirs on Hera.

Slowly everyone did there's. Then it was Lachlan and I's turn. We got up, me shakily, and walked to the front of the room and began to talk. No one was paying all that much attention thankfully but the teacher was still grading us as we went. I'm sure I screwed up a few words here and there but besides that we did a good job. Or at least I hope we did.

Taking our seats again we high five and smile at each other. Once again I have to ignore the tingles that goes through my arm.

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