Chapter 13: Slight Crush? No, no, no!

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Mia's P.O.V
I couldn't sleep that night. Why? Because Lachlans words kept replaying in my head. What could he have meant by 'I really do want to spend time with you'?

"Am I being paranoid?" I ask Artemis and Elaine the next day in HG, "what's wrong with me?"

They both give me curious looks before silently agreeing with each other over something

"Do you think she does?" Elaine asks

"It's possible but I'm not sure" Artemis answers

"Guys!" I say, flailing my arms about, "'she's right here ya know"

The girls look at each other and nod before looking at me like parents do when they're about to yell you something you might not want to know.

"Mia you may not want to hear this-" Elaine begins

"But we think that you might-" Artemis says

"Have a teensie weensie possible little-" Elaine starts drawing out

"Oh my god spit it out girls!" I say getting frustrated

"WeThinkYouMightHaveACrushOnLachlan" Artemis says fastly

"Mind bringing the speed on that down?"

"We think you might have a crush on Lachlan" Elaine says

"I-wait! WHAT?! No. No no no no. That's not a possibility"

"Whatever you say Mia" Artemis says just as the bell rings for first period

The girls walk off and I'm left to stand there with my thoughts. They didn't help at all. A crush? On Lachlan! The idea is absurd! Me and Lachlan? What a stupid idea.

I shake these thoughts, or try to, as I head to AGM.

Sitting down in my usual seat I start to freak out. What if I do like Lachlan? This is gonna be super awkward. Oh dear lord. I sit with my thoughts until the boys walk in. Shit.

They take their seats to my left and begin chatting away. Not to me thank the gods. I sit and sneak looks at Lachlan.

I mean he's not that bad looking but a crush? Not possible. Uh ah. Not a possibility at all. Hopefully....He's just a friend. Right?

I battle with myself until our teacher starts talking.

"Right guys, because most of you are almost done with your project I've decided that you only need one more wee to do it!" She beams at us

Groans from the lazier of the class echo but there are cheers from those who are nearly or are done. Lachlan and I included. We look at each other, high five and smile, I try to ignore the tingles in my arm from his touch and how his smile affects me.mThen it's back to silence as she drones on and on about something. Or it would've been if my arm would stop its damn tingling.

So the rest of the lesson, well rest if the day,mins it staring out windows trying to fight the fact that I might actually have a slight crush on one of my best friends.

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