Chapter 28: Rules And Regulations

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Mia's P.O.V
Nothing. I can't find anything. There's no rules that say we must marry the person with the same tattoo. We've been made to think this it seems. False facts drilled into our heads. Who actually started up this idea?

I call Artemis.

"Artie, I'm on the governments restricted area an-"

"How in the hell did you manage that?"

"How do you think Dan actually passes school?"

She laughs and doesn't push anything.

"And there is nothing under the tattoo area that says we must marry the person with the same tattoo. Nothing. No rules at all. It just talks about the tattoos but nothing else" I explain as I skim the page again for the hundredth time

"Seriously?" She squeaks out

"Yea, seriously. I don't get it, why the hell do we do this if we don't have to?"

"I-I don't know Mia. But this is great isn't it? We can marry who ever we want!"

"I guess it is. Actually, it is. This is amazing!" I squeal into the phone

"I'm gonna go and tell Elaine, cya tomorrow at school!"

"Ok, cya Artie!" I say happily into the phone and hang up

Well, if the government says we don't have to then we don't have to. There aren't any rules or regulations. Stuff what other people say. We can do whatever we want.

And that's want I intend to do.


Walking to school, plan in mind, I start to panic.

What if this is a bad idea?
What if it fails?
Am I about to make a fool of myself?
Am I ready for this?

Walking into school grounds however, and having the girls by my side, whom I recently informed of my plans, I felt stronger and more confident.

I can do this

The I see Lachlan. James, Dan and himself were just chatting with each other near the doors to the locker bay. I took that as a sign from the universe.

"Guys, is this a good idea?" I whisper at them

"Mia, do whatever you want. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then don't do it" Artemis says and Elaine agrees

I take a few deep breaths. Here we go. I try and emit confidence, even if I feel like throwing up, and we walk up to the guys. They all turn and smile at us, Dan looks at me in confusion and questioning. Then I do it.

I walk straight up to Lachlan, grab his face and kiss him. I feel myself go light headed and my stomach fill with butterflies carrying feathers. He doesn't pull away, which is good, and kisses back.

Pulling away, I smile at him.

His mouth opens and closes like a goldfish and I can't help but giggle a little.

"I-I-I" is all he manages out

"Cyas in class!" I call

The girls and I walk away, leaving the boys in pure shock.

I'm going to be interrogated by Dan later.

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