Chapter 6: Milkshake spillage

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Mia's P.O.V

I groan as my alarm goes off, waking me from my shallow sleep. Ok, I think to myself, get up....NOW! Or maybe NOW! I try willing myself up. Need I say that I didn't get up for another ten minutes?

Once up, I grab my freshly washed school shirt - thanks Dan - my jeans and black vans then head for the bathroom. I shower, change, brush my brown hair and apply my makeup. Now, for food! I head downstairs into the kitchen and make some toast. Hmmmmmm, Vegemite or peanut butter? Hmmmmm...Vegemite!

I munch happily on my toast, walking into Dans room and sit on him. Hey, it's his fault for unlocking his door.

"Get up" I say with a mouthful of toast

"Get out" Dan groans

"Get. Up."

"Get. Out."

"Dan, school starts in an hour and you take like three to get ready!"

"Do not"

"Do to"

"Do not"

"Do t-"

"Alright! I'll get up! Just get off me and get out of my room!"

I smile in triumph and walk out of his room, banging the door shut just to make sure he's awake.

I grab my bag with all my books for the day, my school jacket and plop onto the couch, watching TV until Dan decides he's ready to leave. Half an hour later and my twin walks down the stairs, backpack on his shoulder and heads for the door. I scurry after him, turning the TV off as I go.

"No breakfast?" I ask

"I'll grab something at school"

I nod, knowing that he's gonna grab an apple from our neighbors yard when he thinks I'm not looking. Yep, totally got the apple from school. And he wonders why he's the 'dumb twin'.

We reach school in ten minutes and go our separate ways. Me to my locker, him to is nerdy friends. My friends are waiting by my locker for me.

"Hey girlies" I chirp

"Hey Mi Mi" they say in unison. They look at each other and high five. I shake my head and laugh, putting my bag away.

"To HG?" I ask

"To HG!" Yells Artemis and runs off, arm in the hair, finger pointing forward. I look at Elaine and we shrug, walking after our nutty friend.

We come across her again outside our home room. She grins at us.

"What too you guys so long?" She asks

"Well, you did run" I point out


"And we walked" Elaine said

"You guys are so lazy" Artemis rolls her eyes, "you need to run more"

Elaine and I laugh. Us? Run places? Yea right. Not gonna happen.

The bell rings and we're allowed inside. We take our seats up the back and I do my roll call again, continuing until James and Lachlan walk in. What are their tattoos? Well, I've got a new mission. Find their tattoos!

The brothers take a seat a row in front and three seats away from my friends and I. The teacher starts his roll. His voice dull and void of emotion. He was lulling me to sleep.


The stupid bell goes, bringing me back from my almost slumber, and we all stand up. I hug my friends and say bye, heading to my locker and grabbing my stuff for Math. I head straight there, seeing as Lachlan has a timetable now and a map, helping him get to class without me.

I walk into Room 23 and take a seat up the back. Lachlan walks in with James not to long after and take a seat next to me, James right next to me.

"Hey Mia" James says

"James" I say nodding in his direction

"What's up?"

He's trying to make conversation. Yea no thanks mate.


"Sounds wonderful" he comments

I roll my eyes, pulling out my math book and pencil. We sit in silence until the teacher walks in. Mrs Richard, flower, Beneath left eye.

"Good morning class!" She begins, "now I'm going to write a few equations on the board and you will spend all lesson figuring them out"

The class groans and I swear a few people banged their heads on their tables.

"If you finish early," she continues, "I doubt you've done them right"

She starts writing equations on the board. Some with shapes others with letters. Ugh, this would take me three lessons to finish! Does she really expect us to do it in one? Oh god.

I don't know how long I stare at the board for, or how long my mouth was open in fear, before I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's James. He holds out a piece of paper with five of the twelve questions done.

"Here, you can copy Lachlan and I's answers"

"I-uh-I-um..." I stutter "uh thanks"

I grab the paper from his hand with a smile and quickly copy the answers down, not caring if they're wrong or not. I hand it back to him.

"Why'd you let me copy?" I ask

"You looked mortified, so we thought we'd help" Lachlan said, answering the question for James. I blush, putting my head down. Mortified? Oh god, I can only imagine my face whilst I'm mortified.

"Thanks" I mutter and try to do the rest. Failing miserably.

"Do you wanna copy the rest?" Asks James

"No! No no no no" I say "that's alright. You guys have helped me enough"

I smile at them. They both give me and unsure glance before getting back to work, helping each other as they go. Phew, I don't want to seem like a complete idiot and copying all their work would make me look like one.


After Art, I rush to put my things away and head to lunch. I grab an orange from the lunch bench and turn to walk to my friends. Turns out fate didn't want me to because I ended up walking into Clara, causing her to spill her drink all over us both. From the smell, it was strawberry milkshake.

"Oh my god!" She screeches, making the whole lunch room to go quiet, "what the hell!?"

"Sorry" I mutter

"Oh you will be" she snarls grabbing my hair and dragging me to the floor

"HEY!" My friends yell, rushing forward

"Let her go Clara!" Artemis yells, diving at her

Elaine come to my side and helps me off the floor just in time for us both to see Artemis punch Clara in the nose.

"You bitch! You broke it!" She wails

Elaine and I rush over, pulling Artemis off her, whilst Claras' gang picks her up off the floor.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED HERE!" Booms a voice from the doorway.

We all turn. Mr Rieght. Crap, we're all doomed.

Well, I think, there goes my perfectly clean record.

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