Chapter 17: Oh My God

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Mia's P.O.V
Lachlan kept up with his strange ways for the next few days. It was only around me and I felt as if I had failed on the date or done something wrong. I had expressed my concerns to Artemis and Elaine and they told me that they had notice he was a bit off but not to worry. They said I hadn't done anything wrong. It helped ease my worries but not a lot.

James had been acting strange as well. It's like whatever was affecting his brother ended up affecting him. They didn't talk as much or as happily during class and lunch and it started getting on everyone's nerves.

I finally started facing my fears and grabbed both James and Lachlan before lunch and took them outside. Now they must face me.

"Ok what the hell is up with the both of you?!" I practically yell at them

"Nothing. Why?" Lachlan asked. He was hiding something, it was evident in his voice

"Don't you dare lie to me Lachlan Potts" I threaten, "nor you James because I've had it up to here" I say and hold my hand above my head

The boys look at each other as if agreeing on something and then turn back to me and sigh.

"Fine, we won't lie but I don't think you'll like it" James says

I glare at them, "try me"

"Ok" Lachlan begins, "remember when you asked me where James' and I tattoos are?"

I nod, "yes" I say not knowing what he's getting at

"And I said that I keep mine covered and his is in a weird spot?"


"Well those were lies. We both keep them covered"

"Well done you lied again. What's the point of you telling me this?"

Lachlan turns around and pulls down the collar on his jacket. I stand there confused for a second before I realise I was supposed to be looking  at his neck. Then I see it. The fox silhouette on the back of his neck. Exactly like Elaine's. I highly doubt he knows but I do.

I try and fight the squeal as I ask, "and? You've got a fox? We're not soul mates"

"No but look" Lachlan says turning around

I turn and look at James he's holding out his wrist. His left wrist to be exact.

"Mia, when we were at the carnival I saw your tattoo" Lachlan says

I see it before he tells me that however. That tattoo on James' wrist. The black shape I see every single day is prominent on his wrist. The exact wrist mine is on.

James has my tattoo. I have his tattoo. We both have the Raven tattoo.

I run.


Home. Home is where I go. I don't know why I run there but I do. I feel bad for running on them but how do expect me to act? I'm seventeen! Im not exactly going to jump for joy when I find out that one of my best friends is my soul mate. I guess I feel bad because I'm dating, well I guess dated, his brother!

I crash through the front door and slam it shut. I don't care if my 'parents' hear me. I rush up the stairs and go into my room and just stop. What now? I've run off and now I'm in a corner. What now?

"Mia?" I hear my 'mother' yell, "is that you?"

I sigh, "yea mum"

"Why are you home hunny?" Her voice keeps getting closer. She's coming up the stairs

"Because mum" I say and she walks into my room

"Because why?" She looked genuinely concerned

My 'mum' is a wonderfully beautiful women. Long brown hair that's never messed up, lips a beautiful shade of pink, always Rosie cheeks and big round eyes that always hold questions.

Now her eyes are full of concern whilst she looks me up and down probably looking for injuries. Maternal instinct I guess. But my injuries are mental and emotional so she won't see them.

"Because" I say, tears threatening to fall, "I've found my soulmate"

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