Chapter 27: Cruuuuussshhhhh

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Mia's P.O.V
School. The place I used to call hell. But now, it's more like a hectic pentagon of love. So a type of hell I guess, but the type that leaves butterflies in your stomach and leaves you feeling lightheaded. That hell is amazing, unless the person that makes you feel this way can't or won't be with you. Then it's the worst kind of hell.

Jamison and I had formulated a plan on Saturday. Just on a way that could subtlety mention him without giving anything away to Elaine. Then I would be able to find out how she felt about him. And gods, I'm hoping and praying that she likes him back. That she'll give me a hint. A smile or blush or something. That's all I think whilst walking to school.

"What's wrong?" Dan asks

"Hmm? Oh nothing, nothing. Just thinking" I say when I pull out of my daze

"Mia, somethings up. Your not talking to me, or picking on me or anything. Are you sick?"

"I'm fine dan" I say and slap his hand away from my forehead, "just deep in thought"

He gives me another questioning glare but drops it. He cares for me, and I love that but sometimes he believes he's older but he's not. Ok, maybe by one minutes but still. But he loves me enough to know when somethings not right. Whether I choose to tell him what it is or not is different though.

We arrive at school and my plan is soon put into swing. I see Jamison standing by the building that I will walk into with the girls. Elaine and Artemis meet me at the gate as per usual and then we head towards my locker.

"Hey Jamison" I call out as we walk past

"Hey Mia" he yells back and waves

I wave as we enter the building and wait.

"You know Jamison?" Elaine asks

"Yea, he's been my neighbour since forever" I say like its nothing, "do you know him?"

"Yea" Elaine smiles, "we've had most of the same classes for the past five years"


"Yea, he's....nice"

"Just nice?" Artemis asks, seeing where this is heading just like me

"Uhm...yes" Elaine says and covers her face in her hands

Artemis and I looked at each other and squeal. Plan, success.

"Does our Elaine have a cruuuuusssshhhh" Artemis teases

"No. Maybe. I don't know" she says and throws her hands in the air

We all laugh. I look at her.

"Well, I can say this" I begin, "he certainly does"

Artemis and I continue walking as Elaine stops walking, mouth opening and closing like a gold fish.

"Are you kidding?"

"Nup. As serious as ever" I yell back at her

"Oh my god" we hear behind us

I can't help but giggle. This is getting better and better. But, soulmates. Can we actually marry someone who we aren't destined for? Is it illegal? I've never really taken an interest until now. Looks like I'm gluing to have to do some investigating.

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