Chapter 26: Jamisons Role

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Mia's P.O.V
Early Saturday morning I have a knock on my door. Seeing as Dan is probably still fast asleep and mum and dad and down the other side of the house, far away from the door, I groan and get out of bed. I don't bother changing out of my pajamas and walk down the stairs to the door. Opening it and I see my neighbor and on again-off again *cough* only here when he needs something *cough* friend Jamison.

"Uh, hey Mia" he says and looks at my attire

"Jamison, what time is it?" I ask groggily

"Uhm" he hums and pulls out is phone, "quarter past eight"

"The hell! Why are you over here?" I huff

"Well, it's about your friend Elaine" he says

I give him a questioning glare, sigh and gesture for him to enter the house. He does so and goes and sits on the couch.

"I'm going to quickly change, give me a bit and then we'll talk" I say and walk upstairs

I change into some skinny jeans and a band shirt. Simple and easy. Plus I brushed my rats nest I call hair and then head back down to Jamison. He's still sitting in my couch, watching tv.

"Want anything to eat or drink?" I ask

He looks over at me and and smiles a yes please.

"Coffee please" he asks

I nod, walk to the kitchen and make coffee. I make mine extra string, knowing I'll need it and take them out to the lounge room. I give Jamison his coffee and take a seat next to him. Taking a sip of my coffee, I raise my eyebrows at him. He puts his coffee on the coffee table and looks at me.

"Ok, so. Elaine and I have a few classes together" he begins

I nod

"And we talk a fair amount and she seems really cool" he pauses

I keep nodding, hoping this is going where I think it's going

"And we've just been talking for the past five years and I think I might've developed feelings for her" he smiles nervously at me

I try and hold back a squeal but it doesn't quite work and a small high pitched sound escapes my mouth. Jamison looks scared at the noise, but I don't care. This is beautiful!

"Tattoo" I say


"Show me your tattoo" I demand

Jamison doesn't fight me and takes off his shoes, pulling his socks down with it. And right there, on his right ankle is a bear. The same as Artemis. Another squeal makes its way from my mouth. I cover my mouth as tears start to escape. This couldn't have needed up more perfect.

"Jamison, I think I must explain the weirdest thing you're about to hear, ever"

He looks at me questioningly and I begin the explain the amazing love pentagon we've got going on in our friendship group and how his role will be amazing if Elaine likes him back.

Hey! Listen, I know this book has been all over the place since the beginning but I've finally got it on the track I want it to be on. It's not needing quite yet which will hopefully make all of you who have stayed with me throughout this whole thing happy! I'd just like to thank everyone who reads up this far for staying with this book even though it got weird from time to time. I hope to see some of your names pop up on my other books. I love you all.
~Bri :)

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