Chapter 20: Please Not Twilight

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Mias P.O.V
Weeks pass and no one has brought up what Clara was on about thankfully. It also seems as though all of us have just mutually decided, without words, to ignore the fact that James and I are soulmates. I am grateful to all my friends for that.

The term has almost ended and I can't he more thankful to get away from all this drama and just chill at home for 2 weeks. It's gonna be great. Sleep and hang out with friends. Perfect.

"Mia!" I hear and turn to see James, "wait up!"

He runs up and starts walking next to me on our way to Math. The worst subject around.

"So" he says


"Are you doing anything this weekend?"

"Uhm, I don't believe so"

"Would you like to do something?" He asks


"Yea sure" I say

We walk into the classroom and take our seats up the back. Lachlan walks in and takes his on the other side of me. Why not next to his brother? I wonder to myself

Our teacher walks in, says nothing and starts writing up equations on the board. We all groan knowing that we get to spend the whole lesson working them out. Yay.

"Wanna work with me Mia?" Lachlan asks

"Uh Su-" I go to say but James cuts me off

"She's working with me" he says and glares at his brother

"Are you Mia?"


"See, she doesn't wanna work with you James"

The hell is going on?

"Shut up Lachlan"

I look around the classroom trying to spot an escape. I see Will sitting two rows away. I grab my stuff and move.

"See what you did Lachy! You made her move!"

I sit next to Will, smile at him and start my work.

I look back at the boys quickly and see that they look like they're about to murder each other. One thought crosses my and makes me giggle a bit at how stupid it is.

Please don't let this turn out like twilight!


Art and English end up the same as math. The boys death glaring each other and me sitting away from them. Not the best way to spend class. Lunch comes around thankfully and I'm happy to see Elaine and Artemis, just to have some normal in my life today.

I grab some food from the canteen and go and sit with the girls. The boys are already there. I sigh, so much for normal.

I take seat in between Artemis and Elaine, I don't wanna deal with the boy's death glaring at each other over me. It's not fun.

"Hey Mia, how was class?" Elaine asks

"I'll tell ya later" I whisper at her

She looks at the boys and gives me a questioning look. I nod. She nods back and goes back to eating.

"How was class for you two?" I ask

"BOOOOOOOOORING" they exclaim together. They high five at the jinx

"Math sucked because our teacher came late then expected us to do a whole chapter in our book" Elaine said

"Photography is photography and sucks anyway" Artemis said

"And English sucked because who likes English?"

"Sounds amazing" I say

We all go back to eating in silence. Then James speaks up.

"So Mia" he says slyly, "what do you want to do this weekend?"

Lachlan looks at him then at me then back to him, "you're going out with him this weekend?" He says brokenly

"I-Uh-I'm-Maybe?" I stutter out

"She can't!" Says Elaine

"I can't?" I ask

"She can't?"  The boys ask

"No, she's helping me, uhm, uh, fix up my room!"

"I am?" I ask

"Yea, you promised me yesterday" she said through her teeth

Oh, I get what she's doing now. Thanks Elaine.

"Oh yea that's right! How could I forget" I say playing along

"So next weekend then?" James asks

"Mums birthday. Can't, sorry" I lie, "rain check?"

He nods and walks away. Lachlan stays a little while longer, looking at me sadly then follows his brothers suit and walks off.

I feel like such a terrible person. I like Lachlan more than James, but James and I are meant to be together. I guess I could learn to love him? But the again, I guess that's what my parents thought too.

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