Chapter 1: Queen Mary's College

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Mia's P.O.V
"Daniel!" I yell "Get your butt down here! We're going to be late!"

"Hold your horses Mia!"

That boy is gonna get me in so much trouble at school. If I miss home group one more time I'm in for it.

"Two more minutes and I'm leaving without you!" I yell upstairs at him

"I'm almost ready!" He yells, anger brimming in his words

And I have successfully pissed him off before school. Mission complete.

I hear clomps coming from the stairs and look up.

"Decided to grace me with your presence have you?" I asked, sarcasm laced in my voice. I end up getting a death glare from Daniel

"Shut up Mia" he says, rolling his eyes, "let's go, don't wanna be late"

I grab my bag from the kitchen and walk out the door. Daniel and I walk in silence for a few minutes.

"What did you try today?" I ask

"Snuck into mums expensive stuff. Used some weird foundation brand"


He shows me his neck. You could only see the faded shape of Daniels tattoo. A crescent moon.

"Oof, almost completely gone" I say, he sighs

"Why can't I have an easy one to cover?" He asks looking at me gloomily, "Like yours"

I look down at my wrist, which is covered by my jacket. Yea, guess I got it easier than him. I look back at him and shrug.

We continue to school in silence. Sunny day, not a cloud in the sky but it's cold. It's like the sun isn't even there, no warmth at all. I want to get into a warm classroom very soon.

Five minutes pass and Daniel and I walk into the school grounds of Queen Mary's College. Okay school, if you like grey, white and concrete.

Concrete buildings, concrete ground, concrete everything. Dull place, only good thing are my friends.

As if they read my mind, those psychos I call friends popped up at my side. Artemis and Elaine, the psychopaths that I love.

"Hey! What took you so long today?" Asked Artemis

I roll my eyes "take a guess" I say glaring at my brother who was walking away with his friends

"Ah, as per usual" Said Elaine

I nod, continuing towards locker

"Would Daniel Nulgeero please come to the office. Daniel Nulgeero to the office please. Thank you" came the loud speaker

My friends and I look at each other. I sigh and shake my head. What the hell has that kid done now?

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