Chapter 15: Date Night pt1

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Mia's P.O.V
As I walk towards the buses that afternoon I feel sad. I don't get to go to Lachlans anymore. I don't get to hang out after school anymore. Just the two if us, gone.

"MIA!" I hear and turn to see Lachlan running towards me

"Lachlan what's up-"

"Shhh before I chicken out" he says hushing me

I stand there confused whilst he takes some deep breaths

"Lachlan? Are yo-"

"Will you go out with me tonight?" He asks, cutting me off once again

I stand there once again confused. Did he just ask me out? I feel my eyes widen.

"Lachlan? Are you feeling ok?"

"Yep fine. Answer me please"

"I mean yea I guess sure"

"Does that mean yes?"


He beams at me, picks me up and twirls me around.

Placing me down he says, "cool see ya tonight. Around 7? Casual ok? Cool!"

He runs off before I can answer. Well. Looks like I'm not doing homework tonight.


I look at myself in the mirror for what feels like the millionth time tonight. Do I look ok? Is this casual enough? Am I over doing it?

I'm wearing a black skirt, which I don't usually do, that comes down mid thigh and just a plan whit tank top with a leather jacket. A pair of flats occupy my feet and my makeup is done as per usual which is the same as my hair. Same as usual.

I check my phone. 7:05PM is what it reads. Maybe this is all a joke. Maybe he didn't mean it. He's just joking around. I sigh, maybe he was just tricking me.

I look back at my mirror then my phone buzzes. It's a text from Lachlan.

'Stuck in traffic. Will be there in 2' it reads

Phew. He wasn't lying.

I wait and wait for what seems like eternity but in reality it's probably a minute and finally hear a knock on the door. I cross my fingers as I run down the stairs. Don't let mum and dad see, don't let mum and dad see.

I open the door and there stands Lachlan. Black jeans, gray shirt and a denim jacket. Casual. I feel slightly over dressed but I'll deal with it.

"Hi" I say, which comes put more like a happy sigh

"Hey" he says and smiles, "you ready to go?"

"Yes just let me grab my phone and purse" I say and rush back up the stairs.

Jacket or no? I ask myself, it's a warm night I won't need it.

Grabbing my phone and purse I run down the stairs and back to the door where Lachlan is staring at a family picture on the hall table. It's the one where my family and I were at the beach. We all looked so happy. That's before Dan and I caught on to the fact that mum and dad weren't really happy.

"Ready to go" I say and smile

Lachlan smiles back, "c'mon then"

We walk outside and hop into his car, "where are we going?" I ask

His eyes twinkle, "somewhere fun"

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