Chapter 8: The assignment

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Mia's P.O.V
Three weeks have passed, which means Artemis is back at school, making Elaine and I happy. James and Lachlan sat with us at our table everyday for lunch, and close to me in all our classes. Their not as bad as I first thought, still major flirts with all the girls, but they aren't complete dickheads. I think it's fair to say that the boys have become good friends with us girls.

Sitting in Ancient Greek Mythology on Wednesday, I stare out the window blankly. All my works done and I have nothing else to do. Miss Laylon is rambling on about something unimportant and I only half listen, catching words here and there.

"And....The assignment.....Partner......Four weeks"

Wait. What? Assignment? Shit, I should've been listening. I look over at Lachlan.

"Pssst, Lachlan" I whisper

He looks over at me, giving me a questioning glance

"What's she on about? I wasn't paying attention"

He laughs at me, "you, not paying attention! That's a first!"

"Hush!" I say, "what's going on?"

"We have an assignment starting up and we have to do it in partners"

"Do we get to choose partners?"

"Nope, she's choosing for us" he says, a little pissed off

He probably wanted to work with his brother, it'd be easier for them both seeing as the only people they've really talked to is Elaine, Artemis, Dan and I. We kinda ruined their socialization.

"Right!" Miss Laylon booms, "I will be drawing names out of a hat, that way it's fair" she smiles at us and grabs a hat full of paper from her desk. I sigh. Here we go.

She draws the names out and there are audible groans when people get paired with those that they dislike. Some people are lucky, they get paired with friends. James has his names pulled out, soon followed by Mikayla.

James gets up and walks to sit next to her. Maikayla giggles audibly, she's got a mini crush on James, it's cute but terrifying.

"Mia!" Miss Laylon calls "and" she sticks her hand back in the hat and grabs another piece of paper, "Lachlan!"

Lachlan and I look at each other and high five. Phew, no randoms for him. James gives us a glance that says 'help-me-you-shit-heads-I'm-about-to-die-here!' We just laugh at him and shake our heads.

"Now," our teacher says, after everyone is paired up, "this project is to be done outside of school. You are to chose a Greek god or goddess and research them. I want facts, I want the story behind them, I want the Roman names given to them. Anything you can find! This includes pictures and drawings!"

Great, outside of school. Wait, does this mean I'll have to go to Lachlans' house and he'll have go come to mine? Oh crap, mum and dad won't like this. But what if they never find out? Hmmmm, yep I like that. Don't tell mum and dad!

"So" Lachlan begins, "your house or mine?"

"Uh.....I'm easy either way" I squeak, unsure of what to say

"Right. Uhm. Ok then." Lachlan says awkwardly

Doesn't he want to hangs out with me? Aren't we friends? I feel a sinking in my gut.

"Uh, how about you come to mine tomorrow after school?" He asks

"Oh. Uhm, sure" great, now I'm being awkward.

This shouldn't be awkward! It's just two friends doing an assignment together. Yep, that's all it is. Four weeks working on this together. Just two friends. Mmhmm.

The bell goes, making me jump. I quickly pack up my things, walking out of the room, hoping to escape the awkwardness.

I place my stuff in my locker and head for the cafeteria. I head straight over to the table, not grabbing any food because I've lost my appetite. Elaine and Artemis walk in, grabbing a sandwich each and sit down on the opposite side of the table to me.

"How was class?" I ask

The both shrug, "eh. Same thing again. 'Do your work! No speaking! Heads down!' Ugh, I'm really not enjoying photography" says Artemis. Elaine nods in agreement.

"How about you?" Elaine asks

I go on and explain what happened in AGM and just how awkward it was. The girls look at me like I'm a weirdo.

"Maybe you're just over thinking everything" says Artemis

I nod, "maybe"

James and Lachlan come over, their trays stacked with sandwiches. How can they eat so much and not be as big as a whale? Do the run or something? The gym? I don't know.

They take a seat on either side of me.

"Ugh! I don't want to be partnered with Mikayla! She's annoying me already and we haven't even started the damned project yet!" James complains

"Sorry mate, you're kind of stuck with her...For four weeks" I laugh, he groans

"Is she coming to our place or are you going to hers?" asks Lachlan

"Shes coming to ours" James replies, its Lachlans' turn to groan

I start laughing at their responses. The boys shoot me a glare

"I don't know why you're laughing! You're coming to ours aswell, which means you have to deal with her" James says, smiling at me

My smile drops. Everyone starts laughing at me. Damnit, I have to deal with the giggling from an in love teenage girl! Who's gonna tell her that her tattoo might not match his? I'm sure not.

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