Chapter 10: Hidden Tattoo

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Mia's P.O.V
Hours of searching later we have enough information to at least start planning how to present it all.

"I stick by doing a powerpoint" I say fighting with Lachlan

"No way! A poster would work way better!"

I huff, "why don't we ask James and Mikayla? Whatever their doing we'll do the other thing"

He nods, "I can work with that"

We walk across the hall and knock hearing a muffled "come in" from James. Stepping into the room we see that their both sprawled out across the whole floor with books and laptop, phones and iPads laying everywhere.

"Woah! You guys have done some serious research!" I exclaim

"Uh, thanks" James says

"Right uhm...How are you guys presenting this thing?" Lachlan asks

"PowerPoint. Why?"

"Oh, no reason" Lachlan says smugly looking at me like he'd just won the battle of a life time. Asshole.

We walk into his room with him still staring at me me smugly. I give him a glare.

"Ok you win, we'll do a stupid poster"

"I knew I'd win" he smiles and drops onto his bed. I take a seat at his desk.

"So," he starts, "when do you have to leave?"

I feel a sinking in my gut. He wants me gone? Oh.

"Uhm, my parents don't care really" I say, "I could leave now if you want"

He notices how rude he sounded, "oh my god! No I didn't mean it like that I just-I-uhm"

He starts getting all flustered and I laugh

"Lachlan it's ok" I say giggling

"Oh ok cool ahem uh good"

We sit in silence both of us not knowing what to say.

"Uh, this may sound really random" I say and he nods, "but uh....Do you keep your tattoo covered?"

He tenses up a little, "uh yea I do"

"Ok cool"

He's silent for a bit

"Why did you wanna know?"

"No reason. Just wanted to know weather it was a 'keep covered' one or a 'weird place' one"

"Oh ok"

"What about James?"

"Yea, his is a 'weird place' one"

I laugh, "nice"

Before he can say anymore my phone goes off with a text from Dan

'Mum and Dad are both out and want to know where you are...What do I say?'

Oh. Shit. I text back.

'Tell them I'm at Elaine's and I'm on my way home now'

I get a thumbs up emoji back and start frantically packing up

"What's up?" Lachlan asks

"Mum and dad want me home"

"Oh. Ok" he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, "uhm. Same time tomorrow? I could give you a ride."

"I-uh-I-yea-uh-yea sure" I say, "uhm thanks and see you tomorrow" I yell running down the stairs and out the door

I should've asked him to drop me off, but them mum and dad would know I wasn't at Elaine's. Ugh! Looks like I have to run home. Great, just great.

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