Chapter 4: Lunch

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Mia's P.O.V
Lunch! Finally I'm starved!

I walk down the hall, after putting my books away, to the cafeteria. We're having tacos today. Yum.

I spot my friends sitting at our usual table near the back of the room, away from all the people. I grab a taco from the lunch lady and head over, plopping down in my usual spot against the wall. What?! I'm lazy and want to lean against something.

"How was your first two periods?" I ask the girls

"Eh, same old same old" said Artemis

"Boring as shit" came Elaine who lifted her head from the table

"How 'bout you?" Asked Artemis

Before I could answer, Lachlan and James decide to come over and interrupt our lunch.

"Hey there, uh, Mia?" Asked Lachlan. I sigh

"Yea" I answer

"May we sit here?"

I look over at my friends who are now staring at me in disbelief. I sigh again, louder this time

"I guess so"

They both smile and sit down, Lachlan next to Artemis and James next to Elaine. Good, I think, they're keeping their distance. My friends quickly shake off their shock and give me questioning glances. 'Tell you later' I mouth at them. They nod.

"Are you guys gonna eat? I feel like a pig" came James, who had a mouthful of taco. Lachlan nodded and hummed in agreement

"Uh-" stutter Elaine

"Uhm, yea, yea" Artemis helped out

Smooth girls, real smooth. We all dig into our tacos, the girls with veggie ones, me with the normal meaty one. We eat in silence until my brother decides that our lunch table is 'the one' to be at. More, the merrier! Whoever said that was obviously a shut in.

"Heeeeey guuuuuys!" He exclaims, plopping down next to me, "what ya doin?"

I rolled my eyes, "eating, dumbass"

"Thanks captain obvious"

"Hey" I said holding my hands up "you asked, not me"

He rolled his eyes then looked at the boys, "Hey guys"

"Hey Dan" they said in unison

Well now I'm confused. They know my brother? What? Clearly seeing the confused look on my face, James chimed in

"We play soccer together"

"Oooooh, ok" I say nodding and dig back into my taco

"Well, I'm gonna go hang out with interesting people, bye" Dan said and left

Yea right, if by interesting he meant his friends that play dungeons and dragons, then yea sure interesting. Because being a level fifteen paladin is interesting.

The bell went signally third period. I looked down at my taco with sadness. I didn't get to finish it. The horror! An unfinished taco! To be thrown out! Oh my!

I toss the taco in the bin and head towards my locker with my friends, before we reach it though we all split off with a goodbye. I grab my stuff for Animal Science, find Lachlan and head to the science room.

What an amazing lunch. And the first time for me not finishing a taco!

Now to spend a whole ninety minutes in a class full of people I despise. Woohoo.

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