Chapter 2: The new kids

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Mia's P.O.V
When you look at the outside of our buildings all you see is concrete. It's the same inside. Grey walls with motivational posters and flyers on them, mainly placed over the top of holes. All the adults wonder why we don't want to go to school. All us kids wonder why we do.

The only good thing about our school is that we only have to wear the school tops and jumpers. We are aloud to wear whatever pants and shoes we feel like. Jeans and converses all the way!

I look over at my friends, they both hide their tattoos, but I know where and what they are. Elaine has a fox on the back of her neck, so her hair hides it really well and Artemis has a bear on her right ankle, socks help there. If I ever want to hide my tattoo, I have to wear long sleeves, which is really uncomfortable in summer or do what Daniel does, try and use foundation to cover it up.

My friends and I take our seats in form and wait for the bell and teacher. Students start walking in, I know every single one and I know most of their tattoos. Mandy, Turtle, left pinky fnger. Hayden, tattoo has never been seen. Ria, Mouse, right foot.

I tick off like this for everyone who walks into the room, my brother and teacher included. Mr Harfield, Eye, Left side of collarbone.
Mr Harfield starts rambling off the role and I yell 'yep' when my name is called and go back to talking to my friends.

"Is it just me or does his voice get even more boring every time we enter this room?" asks Elaine

"I agree. Do you think he does it just to annoy us?" I say

"I don't think he knows he's doing it" Artemis says

"mmmm" me and Elaine hum in agreement

The bell goes, signaling the beginning of first period. We all stand and rush out the door. I hug and say bye to my friends and head to my locker, grabbing all my junk for first period. Ancient Greek Mythology. Great subject and an awesome teacher.

I head down the hallway towards room 15. I enter the room and take my seat in the second row from the back, five rows from the front. I have my spot that no one touches because they know I'll yell at them to move. What? My spot is my spot, don't touch.

Students start filing in and as usual I check off name and tattoo. Arnold, music note, underneath left ear. Bianca, raindrop, right middle finger. Then our teacher enters. Miss Laylon, Feather, Left Shoulder.

It's a mandatory rule at our school that all teachers show their tattoos. Except if it's on their chest, back, thigh or nether region. That would be weird for everyone.

"Good morning guys!" Says Miss Laylon, "please take out your note books and open up to what you were working on last Friday" everyone groans. Yay. Researching a famous Greek building. Woohoo.

My building is The Temple of Hera. I pull out my book and continue writing.
'The Temple of Hera was destroyed by an earthquake in the early 4th century AD and never rebuilt. In modern times, the temple is the location where the tor-"

There was a knock on the classroom door. The whole class stops writing and talking as the vice principle of our school walks in. Mr Rieght, Spider, left side of neck. In behind him walks two kids, both male. One with black foofy hair with a slight fringe and brown eyes and the other with brown spiky hair and blue eyes.

"Good morning Miss Laylon, I hope you don't mind my intrusion" Mr Rieght asks

"No, no Sir," she says "What can I do for you?"

"I've got some new students with me today" he says and puts a hand on both the new kids shoulders, "this here is James and Lachlan Pott . I'm sure you'll help them out won't you?"

"Oh yes sir! Leave them with me" Miss Laylon says

"Very well" Mr Rieght says and leave the class

We all stare at the new kids. They looks like a douche bags and trouble makers.

"Right boys, uhm" starts Miss, "Uh James you can sit next to Will" she points to the spare seat next to Will, "and Lachlan you can sit next tooooo" she looks around "Mia!" She points at me. Damnit.

Brown haired kid walks towards me and plops down in the seat to my right. He nods at me in acknowledgement, pulls out a note book and starts drawing random stuff on it.

Great. I get to help out this guy. Yay me.

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