Chapter 16: Date Night pt2

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Mia's P.O.V
We drive for a while and I begin to wonder where the hell we're going. Where is he taking me? 'Somewhere fun' he had said. Where is this place? We live in a tiny town! There is nowhere fun.

Just as that thought crosses my mind we drive past the town sign and end up in the next one over. We then pull up and into a car park that's attached to a carnival. A carnival, I think, cute and fun.

"Here we are" Lachlan says getting out of the car.

He rushes around to my side then open my door for me. What a gentlemen.

I smile, "Thanks Lachlan"

We walk over to the carnival and pay for unlimited wrist bands. Time to go on everything this place has.

Lachlan rushes us inside and straight to one of those throwing games. He looks at me and points to the Bears.

"Which one to you want?" He asks

I look up and smile, "the penguin"

It's a medium sized stuffed penguin toy with a red bow. It's cute.

He nods and pays the guy running it enough for 5 balls and starts throwing.

The first one is a total miss but the second one hits two cans. The third one hits one can, the fourth misses completely and so does the fifth. I giggle a little. Well done Lachlan.

The guy running the thing goes up the back, and thanks to my earlier comment, brought out a tiny penguin you. Exactly the same as the bigger except small.

I laugh and take the penguin when Lachlan gives it to me. I smile at the toy and hug it to my chest.

"Sorry I couldn't get you the big one" he says to me

"It's all good. I love this one, it's cuter" I say comforting him

"Now," he says smiling like a five year old in a lolly shop, "let's go on everything!"


This date was magnificent. We want in every ride possible and it was just amazing. The spinning teacups were hilarious because we were the only teens on them and 'The Claw' was great but only because Lachlan got scared out of his wits. Same goes for 'The Scissors'.

Our night is now at its end and we're sitting on the Ferris wheel just talking about anything and everything. Birthdays, family, interests, music. Everything we can think of. And it's my favourite part of the night. Not because we're on the Ferris wheel and fireworks are going off, no it's my favourite part just because I get to talk to him and get to know him better.

"Mia I know this sounds like a very weird question to ask" Lachlan begins and my heart begins to race, "but where is you tattoo?"

Phew, I think, heart you can stop racing now

"Um, it's on my wrist" I say and stare at him funny

"Ok" he says and nods

Our chair stops on the ground and we get off. We both agree that we should get home and start heading to the car. I stick my hand out and open my door and that's when Lachlan starts acting funny. I don't notice till we're half way back to my place but when I do I start feeling out.

Have I done something wrong? Did I say something? Did I not say something? Oh gods.

We pull up to my house and Juno out of the car. Lachlan, even though he's not acting like himself, still walks me up to the door to say goodnight.

Do I give him a hug? What's the deal with this dating stuff? Ugh, I don't know what to do!

We stand awkwardly for around a second or two before we say goodbye and I head inside.

What an awkward end to a perfect date.

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