Chapter 18: Explaining To Friends

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This chapter is dedicated to tesskennedy22 because she's upset bout how my last chapter ended!

Mia's P.O.V
Mum comforted me for a while, trying to stop my crying. It worked and I had never felt closer to her than I did in that moment. She had told me she would ring the school and that I should just go to sleep. I did as she said seeing as all the crying that had happened had taken all my energy away. Then my dear friends decided to call after around two hours of me sleeping.

"Mia! Where are you child?" I hear Artemis yell through the phone

I groan at her, "I'm at home"

"Whhhhhhhhyyy?!" Elaine and her dragged out at me

"I don't think you would like to know" I say

I can feel the death glare through the phone, "we're coming over tonight and you WILL explain" they say and then hang up

I groan and flop onto my pillow. Now I have to explain everything again!

I decide to sleep until my friends show up and that's what I do.


I hear my door creak open but I guess it didn't register until it was to late because I had two people yell and jump onto me.

"Urgh" I groan out, "get off me you nongbats" I say to my friends

I hear them giggle and they shuffle off of me. I sit up and there those people I call my friends are. They stare at me expectantly.

"So, why'd you leave school?" Artemis asks


"Mia" they both say sternly and I sigh

"Fine. I kinda, maybe, quite possibly-"

"Spit it out girl!" Elaine yells


They give me questioning glances, "say again?"

"I found out who my soul mate is" I whisper just loud enough for them to hear

They both squeal and jump around,

"Who?!" Elaine yells

I rub my arms, "James"

I look at them both and their jaws have dropped. They look absolutely shell shocked. Stunned. And maybe a teenie bit mortified. I know the feeling.

"But you and Lachlan" Artemis exclaims

"I know"

"Does this mean it's over for you guys?" Elaine asks

"I guess so"

They come and sit in either side of me and give me a big hug. I love these girls. I don't know where I'd be without them.

"And I found out who Lachlans soulmate is" I say hesitantly

"Who?!" The shriek into my ears

I response I simply look towards Elaine and stare at her. It takes a while but understanding crosses her face and I hear a groan from behind me.

"Gods! When am I gonna find my soulmate!" Artemis groans and flops back onto my bed.

She hits her head in the frame.

"Ow" she squeaks

We all laugh. Yea, I think I'll be able to cope with this so long as I have these two with me.

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