Chapter 31: Years Later

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Mia's P.O.V
*eight years later*
"Mia! Would you calm down! Everything will be fine!" Artemis yells at me

I groan at her from in front of the mirror, "if Elaine doesn't hurry up with the dress, then no, it won't be fine!"

"She's five minutes away! Just keep calm!"

"It's going to take me five minutes to get into the damned thing!"

"Oh hush, it only takes about three minutes" Artemis says and grabs my shoulders, "seriously, you need to calm down"

"It's my wedding day! I'm allowed to freak out!" I say frantically

"No, that's mine and Elaine's job, maids of honour and all, kinda in the job description"

I laugh and Elaine bursts through the door, a black covering over a coat hanger on her hand. Huffing, she passes it to Artemis to unzip. She pulls out the dress. A white 'V' neck mermaid dress with lace shoulder straps. My dress.

James pops his head through the door. "Ten minutes girls!" He yells

I squeal as my eyes widen. Ten minutes to get into the dress and calm myself the hell down. Yea, great.

Elaine and Artemis looks at me, "better get a wriggle on. Or should I say in" Elaine says and laughs at herself

Artemis and I roll our eyes and I get into the dress. Getting myself prepared to walk down that isle towards the person I'll spend the rest of my life with. The person I love with all of me. They girls can't tell me not to freak out, I'm allowed to freak out over this stuff.

*three years later*
I sit on the porch out the back with the girls. We chat as usual, just about life. And the little protests that have been going on lately. We aren't the only ones who have refused to marry our 'soulmates' others are now trying to get at the rest of the world and tell them that they don't have to. I guess our lives are proof of that. We've all married the people we chose and I've got a beautiful baby boy. Nathan sits on a swing whilst Lachlan pushes him, talking to James and Jamison as he does.

The most amazing thing about Nathan that I've found, is that he doesn't have a tattoo anywhere on him. I've checked. That what we get I guess, when we don't marry our soulmates. Children who don't end up with one, and I think that's amazing. He won't have the pressure and maybe by then, other kids won't have tattoos either. I smile to myself, to think, none of this would've happened had those boys not moved to our school and had they not been in all my classes. The smallest of things can definitely change our fate.

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