Chapter 3: They might be ni- oh wait, they're flirting

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Mia's P.O.V
Turns out it wasn't a 'coincidence' that brown hair got put with me in Ancient Greek Mythology, oh no not at all. Because I was just recently informed that he has all the same classes as I do, so I get to show him around. ALL. DAY. Just my luck.

Will has to show black haired kid around, and once again I've got to be the luckiest person on the face of the planet because Will has all that same classes as me! Yay.

I slam my locker shut after I grab my stuff for second period. English or as us students call it, don't-do-anything-all-class-because-you-pass-anyway. Yea, English is pretty much a free period.

I walk back to my Ancient Greek Mythology room to get spiky hair. He's there waiting as I told him to so I tap him in the shoulder and walk off, hoping he understands that I mean to follow me. A quick glance backwards tells me he does.

I walk down the halls towards room 35. But me being me I end up bumping into Clara, the queen bitch herself. Yay.

"Watch where you're going slag" she snarls

I roll my eyes and keep walking. I don't have time for this.

"Hey! Whore! I'm talking to you" she says in a shrill tone and grabs my wrist, "you will answer me"

"Ge fucked" I spit, get my wrist free and continue on my way. Ending the conversation.

"Oh you're gonna get it" she yells after me, cackling with her group.

Damnit. I sigh and fight back tears. It's weird how someone you once called a friend could turn on you all of a sudden, all because of a stupid rumor. I blink back tears.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

I make it to room 35 and take my seat up the back. Lachlan enters not to long after and grabs a seat next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks, concern showing.

I nod and manage to squeak out a small "fine"

I see him look at me concerned out the corner of my eye then stop when someone calls his name. I look up at the sound, it's his brother, James.

"Lachlan! Looks like you're stuck with me for very class mate" he says in a joyful voice, patting Lachlan on the shoulder

Will takes a seat next to me and James next to his brother. From this side I can see Wills tattoo. An acorn on his left temple.

Will and I don't speak much. Only if we end up paired in a class, even then it's only about the work. He's smart I know that much, not many friends and very quiet.

Our teacher walks in. Mr bells. No one has ever seen his tattoo.

"Rightio class" he begins, "continue what you started last lesson!"

Everyone looks at each other. What the hell is he on about?

"Just kidding!" He laughs, "do what ever"

He gets a few nervous laughs from the class and we all begin to do what ever. Some people read, some draw, others talk. I however like to observe. As weird as it sounds it's fun. Just watching people, how they act, their facial expression or the concentration they have, it's amazing really.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. It Lachlan.

"Is he being serious? We can do whatever?"

I nod, "welcome to do-whatever-and-still-pass"

He smiles, "awesome"

I get back to my observations, this time focusing in the brothers because they're new and I want to know about them.

The only differences between them is their hair and eye colour, everything else is exactly the same. Same nose, same eye shape, same jaw line. They're they same in almost every way.

Wait till Elaine and Artemis hear about this, I think to myself, two new guys who aren't to bad on the eyes. I smile at this thought, the girls are gonna flip. Shame they'll find out that they're probably big assholes.

I instantly scold myself, don't judge a book by its cover Mia! They might be nice! I look over at them, they're chatting up some girls in the class, who giggle at everything they say. Or they could be complete palyers, I think to myself.

I sigh. And I'm stuck in every class with them. Yay for Mia!

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