Chapter 19: The Past Brought Up

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Mia's P.O.V
I don't go to school. I can't. Going to school means facing James and Lachlan and u can't possibly do that at the moment. I know to much. I know Lachlan is to be with Elaine and James and I? Don't get me started again.

How does this work now? Are we meant to date for a while or do we just get married? I had my whole life planned out! I don't want to get married and settle down! I want to see the world and all it has to offer. I want to go to university and just study because I can. I don't feel like getting married.

I can't get off school forever and I know that. Mum or dad will make me go eventually and then what? Skip it and walk around for the next 6 hours? Yea, no.

It sucked when Elaine and Artemis left that night but they had helped me. Just them being there for me was enough to calm me down. But now that I'm all alone in my room I can't help but panic a little bit. One of my best friends is the person I'm meant to be with for the rest of my life.

I fall into my bed and pull the covers over my head. I'll sleep on it. Maybe when I wake up I'll find this was all just a dream and those damned boys never came to our school.


Two days I managed to stay at home. Two. And no, I'd don't wake up to find that this had all just been a dream. Nope. I woke up to 28 missed calls and 30 texts form James, Lachlan and the girls. I didn't bother returning any of the calls or reading the texts. Instead I moped around and got ready for school.

The walk to school wasn't to bad, my brother made me laugh like he always does. I love him. He's the best brother anyone could ask for besides when he's being an annoying shit head.

Then we get to school and I'm on high alert. Looking for my friends and making sure Lachlan and James aren't around. My luck turned out to be amazing in that moment because as soon as Lachlan and James show up I walk inside and bump right into my friends.

"Morning Mia" My friends said sounding surprised

"Morning guys" I say rushed, "let's walk"

I grab their hands and rush down the halls to my locker.

"Mia calm down" Artemis exclaims at me

"Calm? I am calm what are you on about?" I say eyes wide

"Mia, if your looking for the boys, don't" Elaine says

I sigh, "ok"

"You know you can't hide from them right?" Artemis says, "they're in all your classes"

I sigh again, "I know"

"Hey, cheer up" Elaine says and taps my arm, "let's go to home group"

"Ok, let's go" I say and grab all my stuff for first period

The girls stop and grab their stuff and we set off for our home group room. My luck then decides to run out. We bump into, quite literally, Lachlan and James.

"Hey Mia" James says

"Hi" I squeak, awkwardness creeping in

"We called and texted you a bit!" Lachlan exclaims at me, "why didn't you pick up and answer?"

"Uhm because" I whisper

My friends start looking at me funny  and all I can do is shrug.

That's also when the queen bitch decides to show her face around school for what seems to be the first time in 50 years.

She bumps into my group and knocks me down. 'Accidentally' of course. Bitch.

"Ugh, move it bitch" she says to me

"I'm sorry" I say

"You better be whore"

"Hey!" James and Lachlan yell

"That's not nice" James growls at her

"Oh" she says surprised, "I see you've found yourself another boy to shag"

Her group cackles behind her

"I didn't do anything Clara" I growl

"My boyfriend would say otherwise" she smiles at me sickly

My fists curl at my sides, all awkwardness leaving me and anger taking its place. I want to kill her for bringing this up. The reason our friendship ended.

"Mia" Artemis says and puts a hand on my shoulder, "it's not, she's not, worth it"

"Listen to her Mia, you wouldn't stand a chance" she cackles to herself and walks away

"Please, one punch whilst she's not looking" I joke

Everyone laughs, "no Mia"

The bell goes

"Mia?" James asks once the ringing finishes, "what did she mean by all that?"

"Nothing" I say and walk into class

Only Artemis and Elaine know. No one else can ever know. They'd all hate me and disown me. Even though it's not true, they can't know.

Hey guys, longer chapter yay! Sorry about that last one and it not being the best. Hope this one kinda makes up for it!

-Bri :)

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