Chapter 11: Butterflies are manly

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Mia's P.O.V
Dinner that night was the usual. Quiet and uninteresting. Breakfast the next morning was rushed because Dan and I woke up late. Woohoo for my alarm dying in the middle of the night.

We had to race to school and I only just made it to Home Group before the bell. Puffing and panting I take a seat next to you friends.

"What took you so long?!" Artemis whisper yells at me

"Alarm broke" i puff, "woke up late"

I get and glare from both of them and we listen out for our names on the role, saying our 'here's' when our names are finally called. The bell goes to fast for my liking and I have to walk off to Art.

I take my seat and begin to draw. The twins walk in and take their seats. Lachlan on my left, James on my right. I glance at Lachlan and start to wonder where his tattoo is. It couldn't be his neck, possibly his shoulder? Ankle? And what is it? Something awesome like a dragon? Or just eh like a shape? Ugh! I'm gonna drive myself insane!

James. What is his tattoo? Where is it? If it's a weird one is it on his butt? Or the other side of the butt? Oh my god I should stop before I gross myself out and end up puking.

"Alright everyone!" Calls our teacher. Mr. Mart, button, throat. "For the next three lessons I want you draw from perspective! Find something in this room and draw it but give it a background. Fantasy or normal, your choice!"

Ugh, yay. Why can't I just draw what I feel like drawing? It'd be way better than this crap.

Everyone stands and grabs things from around the room. I choose a statue of a dog. Sitting down I begin to draw it. I look over at James and Lachlan to see what they've chosen. James has a novel and Lachlan has a butterfly statue.

"Lachlan" i begin, "are you drawing a butterfly?" I snigger

"Yes I am! What wrong with it?"

"Nothing, nothing at all" I laugh

"Butterflies are very manly! And they scare the living day lights out of people!" He defends himself, causing me to laugh louder

"What? Like you?"

"They-I'm-I-uh!" He stutters out

My laughter gets so loud the teacher yells at me to 'shut up and do my work'. Oops.


Lunch comes quickly and I'm starved so my sandwich doesn't last long. Elaine, Artemis and I are having the usual 'how was class' conversation when Lachlan and James plop down at the table. Artemis looks at Elaine and I and smiles.

"Hey Lachlan" she says


She grins, "catch" she says and throws something at him

Lachlan catches the thing, looks at it and does an extremely high pitched scream, falling off his chair. We all burst out laughing as he gets back up.

"Not funny" he growls and throws the item back at Artemis.

The little plastic butterfly lands on the table.

He glares at me, "you told them"

"What? You said you weren't scared of them" I say then laugh again

He rolls his eyes and grumbles something under his breath and begins to eat. James is still laughing his head off next to me.

"Hey Lachlan" I begin

"What" he snaps

I snigger, "that was a very manly scream"

The whole table bursts out laughing again and Lachlan groans, hitting his head against the table.

Oh, I'm gonna have to much fun with this.

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