Chapter 22: Helping James

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Mia's P.O.V
Three days. That's the amount do days that James had been texting me non stop. He kept saying 'I need to ask you something' but whenever we were at school it's as though he chickened out. He was beginning to get annoying really. And today was no different.

If only just got home from school when my phone went off. I sighed and pulled it out.

James😝: Seriously, I need to ask you something

Mia: James, just hurry up! Ask me now for the sake of the gods

James😝: No, I need to ask in person

That was it. I snapped and called him. It rang three times before he picked up.

"Hi Mia" I heard

"Hi James. Spill. Now."

"Uhm, I'd really like to do this in person Mi-"

"No, you'll chicken out again. Tell me. Now."

"Idon'twannadateyoubutiwannadateArtemis" he rushed

"Say again?"

I heard him take a deep, shaky breath.

"Ok, here it goes. Mia, I know we're 'soulmates' and that we're meant to spend the rest of our lives together but I don't feel anything towards you...I want to spend the rest of my life with, Uhm, Artemis"

I sat there in shock. My heart was beating fast. I'm not the only one. I'm not going to be the weird one. But, this isn't allowed. Is it? We have to be together. Don't we? I'm so confused and happy. James and I have mutual feelings. And that's just friends.

"Mia? Mia, are you still there?" I hear James ask through the phone

"I-Yea-Yea I'm here. Hi, just a lot to take in" I stutter out

"Oh god, I didn't think this would affect you to much. You don't like me back, or I thought you did. I'm so sor-"

"JAMES!" I yell, "calm down please. I like you but as a F-R-I-E-N-D" I spell out to him

"Oh. Oh. Good, good. Uhm, so will you help me out?"

"Gee James. Artemis is really into the soulmate thing, and her soulmate, oh my gods, how would he or she feel? Yikes!"

"Oh" he says sadly, "well, Uhm, ok thanks Mia"

"James, don't hang up. I'll give it a shot for you ok? What are friends for?" I smile at my phone

"Oh my god really? Thank you so much Mia! I-I-I don't know what to say! I'm so happy now! Thank you!"

I hang up there, not wanting to hear the rest.

Oh gods. What have I gotten myself into?

Heyo! Sorry for a late update. Writers block sucks big time. Might not be the best chapter and I'm so sorry about that. Hoping to get the next chapter out soon but don't get you hopes up!
If you're wondering about the 😝 emoji next to James' name it's because it's a text message and he's got that emoji next to his name in Mia's phone.

~Bri :)

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