Chapter 9: Nike

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Mias P.O.V
Stay calm Mia, you can do this. It's just a project. With a friend. Who happens to be a boy. At his house. Possibly in his room. Without my parents knowning. Oh my god.

These thoughts race through my head as I walk to Lachlans house after school on Wednesday. He'd given me his house number and street name with a very brief description ofvhis house. His hand writing sucks and I can't tell whether it says 5 or 3. Ugh, great. Well, at least I know the colour of the house.

As I head down Martin Street I start looking for a 'two story, wooden house that's blue' yea thanks Lachlan. I mutter incoherent things under my breath as I look on both sides of the street. There's two blue houses across from each other. Ugh, so helpful. As I start walking towards the one on the left side of the street and notice that it's made of concrete. Right, not that one.

I walk up to the other one, that is made of wood, and knock. I hear scuffling on the other side of the door and a just audible "I'll get it" before a women with long brown hair opens up. She looked in her late 40's to early 50's and was beautiful. She had a dolphin tattoo on the left side of her collarbone.

"Hi. Can I help you?" She asks

"Uh, uhm, yea. Does Lachlan live here?" I ask timidly

"Yea he does, hold on," she looks into the house, "LACHLAN GET YOU BUTT HERE NOW! THERES A GIRL AT THE DOOR!"

Yikes, that women can yell. I swear she just ruined my ear drum.

I hear - yep I can still do that - someone come down stairs and move towards the door. Lachlan, thank the gods.

"Hey, Mia. Mum this is the girl I'm doing the project with" he states

His mother nods and ushers me inside. I walk in and notice how big the house is. I am welcomed by a large lounge room with a big flat screen TV. I'm stunned, this is so different to my little house.

Lachlan keeps walking and I follow. We start to go up the stairs that are next to a kitchen that is as equally as big as the lounge room.

At the top of the stairs I follow Lachlan down to the second door on the right. I can hear laughter - from a girl - coming from the door on the left. The door is open and I see Mikayal and James.

Mikayla seems to be having the time of her life, looking at James as though she wants to eat him. Ew.

James on the other hand looks like he wants to climb to the top of the house and do a swan dive onto the concert path. Poor guy having to deal with that giggling mess that is to be known as a human being.

I hear a cough behind me and see that it's Lachlan. I must've been staring at the others a bit long. Oops. I put my head down blushing a little and walk into his room.

The room isn't how you'd expect it to be. It's not dirty, more of a controlled chaos type thing. Books strewn everywhere, clothes here and there and ornaments in no particular order on shelves. Even though it looked messy it seemed to be perfect in a way, everything had a place.

Lachlan walks in behind me, closing the door and sits down at his desk.

"So..." He begins, "who do you wanna do our assignment on?"

"Uhhhhhhhh" I draw out

Who should we do it on? Poseidon? Zeus? Hera? Hades? Ugh!

"There's so many to chose from!" I exclaim, flopping down onto the floor. Lachlan just nods.

"I mean, you've got the big three; Zeus, Poseidon and Hades but EVERYONE will probably do them" I say, getting another simple nod from Lachlan

"What about we do a search on Greek gods?" He asks. Now it's my turn to nod in agreement

Lachlan starts typing and I stand up. He has a list of Greek gods and goddesses. Hera, Janus, Ares, Zeus so on and so forth. After a bit of looking I see a name that catches my eye.

"How about here! Nike, the goddess of victory?" I ask, "no one will know her!"

"Hmmmmm...If it saves us time and gets us good marks then yea for sure!"

"Good" I say, pull out my laptop. Time to start this thing!

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