Chapter twenty two

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After I got released out of the hospital I stayed with Andrew After I got released out of the hospital I stayed with Andrew and my mum. Mum didnt want me to leave for Texas straight away. My high school years were coming to an end and Andrew wanted me to pick out colleges.

"So do you have any ideas?" Andrew asked while waiting for breakfast

"Umm.. Maybe some where far away?" I replied

Andrew let out a sigh.

"You know, Hunter wanted to enroll in Yale"

His eyes slowly start to flood with tears. And my chest starts to hurt when Hunter's name was mentioned.

"Hey uh, I'll go search for colleges online" My voice was shaky

Because I didnt know how to deal with him crying.

"Um yeah. Sure go ahead. You can tell your mother and I whenever you're ready"

I ran up to the room which was supposedly mine. It was just opposite Hunter's room. The walls were baby pink. I felt like a kid.

I laid on my bed and turned on my laptop and started searching. After an hour of going through the colleges I thought were good for me, I finally stumbled upon the University of London. They had the course that I wanted to study, the facilities seem great and was far far away from home.

I talked to Andrew and mum about it over dinner and they were satisfied with my choice and so I applied.

After two weeks I got a letter from the university saying that I have been accepted. I called Em and told her. She was literally shouting over the phone and demanded that we have a sleepover.

The first semester was starting in three weeks but I had to go a week earlier since I am an International student.

I decided to write a goodbye letter to Ben because I couldnt bear to meet him in person.

"Hey Ben,

I just want to make this letter short and brief. Thank you for cheering me up and being there for me when I needed someone. I love you, but you have hurt me too much and I think it is best if we part ways. Please dont come looking for me, we should both move on and find better people. I hope you have a good life

- Lea"


I said my good byes to my mum, Em and Andrew and then I went in the departure terminal.

It's time to start a new life.

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