Chapter twenty five

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing.

First day of university.

I looked over to Kendra's side and she was still awake. Well...obviously, it was only 6am.

I quickly showered and put on a long sleeved blouse and a pair of skinny jeans. I put on some makeup and decided to take a walk around campus since classes starts at 8:30am for me and it was only 7 o'clock.

As I walked pass the swimming pool, Dan walked out with his hoodie and jogging pants on.

"Good morning" he said. "Where are you going in this early hour?"

"Morning, nowhere, I'm just walking around, you know, trying to know the place better..and what about you? Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?" I questioned him back.

"I just finished training" he pointed at the pool.

Right. He's a swimmer. I forgot.

"So, first day of school huh. Are you nervous?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Not really."

"Wow, you're pretty confident huh?"

"Was that an insult or a compliment?" I glared at him.

"Chill, it was a compliment. I like confident girls" and he winked.

Wait..what? Did he just flirt with me?

I quickly walked away before he could see the redness of my cheeks.

"Hey Lea, where are you going?" he held my wrist.

I quickly pulled away. "I'm going to get my stuff. My class starts soon. Bye"

"I can walk you to your stuff" he offered.

"No, it's okay bye!" I waved and walked away.

I thought he was gonna follow but he didn't.

When I reached my room, Kendra was already gone. I got my stuff and decided to go to the coffee shop to grab a coffee and something to since I haven't eaten yet. I ordered a latte and a donut. I sat down and chilled for a bit cause it was only 8 o'clock.
At about 8:15, I went to my first class which was Economics. When I entered the room, it was empty, well there was a girl sitting in front reading something. Besides her, the room was empty. I went and sat next to her, she looked at me, looked around the room and gave me a questioning look.

"Hi, my name's Lea" I held out my hand.

"Okay but I don't recall asking for your name" she said flatly and went back to reading her book.

Well, she's rude. So to stop embarrassing myself, I went to the other side of the room and took out my textbook and started reading it.

As the time went by, students started to fill the classroom. The professor came in at exactly 8:30. He was a chubby middle aged man.

"My name is Anderson Garfield and you can call me professor Garfield. I've been teaching for about 20 years and I will be teaching you economics and I hope you will try to listen to me because if you don't, you'll regret in the future. I expect everyone to hand in their assignments when it's due. And I also don't appreciate people talking when I'm talking. Do you understand?"

Well...he's kinda strict.

After an hour, professor Garfield dismissed us and gave us an assignment and that its due next week. It was 9:30 and my next class was at 1pm so I decided to walk around the city and try to find a job.

I caught the train to the city and went from shops to shops looking for a part time job. After 3 hours of no success, I went back to the campus. I went to the cafeteria and got a burrito because I was starving. I went outside and sat on a bench because it was super crowded inside.I checked my Facebook and stalked Ben. I'm sorry I can't help it! He doesn't even use Facebook that much so his most recent post was about 3 months ago and it was a picture of his dog. His profile picture was him and Hunter.... Suddenly, all those memories about Hunter came into my mind. I started to sob abit and then someone kneeled down and touched my left shoulder.

"Hey" Dan said softly. "Are you okay?"

I wiped my tears "oh yes, I was just... thinking"

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

Fuck. He's so annoying. I know he's just being nice but still.

"Um no..." I took a glance at my watch. Wait. Shit. It's 1. Fuck my class is starting. "I got to go. I'm late for class. Chat next time. Bye"

I jogged as fast as I could to the room. Luckily, the professor hasn't arrived yet so I took a sit which was isolated. Apparently, no one in my classes likes socializing.

The hour flew by really quickly. My next class was at 7pm..a night class. I spent my whole afternoon in my dorm watching cartoons and sleeping. Kendra was still no where to be seen. At around 6, I went to cafeteria to get some Chinese. I made my way to my class which was geography.

We didn't even learn anything. The professor just introduced herself and told us to introduce ourselves so yeah that's basically what we did.

As soon as I opened my room dorm, I literally saw Kendra and Matthew fucking on her bed...I quickly shut the door quickly and walked away. Thank god their music was playing super loud so I assume they didn't hear me?

I decided to go to the library to finish my assignment since there's nothing else to do. As I'm researching about my assignment, someone slides into the seat opposite me.

"Ever heard about spooky Brookey?" The Asian boy said.

"Spooky who?" I asked.

"Brooke Sumer"

"Who's that?"

"Didn't you know that she hung herself here. Right on this spot. And she likes to come out at night and ask people to help her with her work. The reason she committed suicide was because she was stressing too much about her assignments. She always say on the spot you're sitting" and he pointed at the ceiling.

"You're lame"

"Well, you can believe it not, I'm leaving" and he walked out.

I continued with my work and a few minutes later, the lights went off. Ha! I bet it was just him trying to scare me. I tried turning the switch on but its not working. I turned around and saw a figure on my chair. I started screaming the hell out of me. A girl rushed into the library.

"What happened?" She asked frantically with a stick on her hand. And the lights went on again.

"There was something" I pointed towards my seat. "It's gone"

The girl put her stick down. "Did Eugene tell you about spooky Brookey?"

Oh so his name is Eugene.

"Uh, yeah.."

"Don't worry, that was a just a joke. He does that to everyone." She laughed.

"That's not very nice" I felt my blood boiling.

"He's famous for being a prankster in this school."

"Whatever" I walked back to my room. I hope Kendra and Matthew are done with their thing.

If I ever see Eugene again. I swear he's gonna get a bruise on his eye. Both of his eyes.

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