Chapter thirty six

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After seeing Kim and Ben happily leave for their honeymoon, I have made up my mind that I want a family with Lea. We flew back to London and during these few weeks, my friends and colleagues have been helping me out with my proposal to Lea. It has to be perfect. I've been having anxiety too that she might reject me. My friends have finally manned me up to ask her today. I had everything mentally planned in my mind.

"Are you ready?" Eugene asked.

"Always" I replied.

"Kendra is bringing her now. They're on their way" he said.

I nodded.

"Get ready guys, they're on their way. Act normal." I shouted to my other friends.

Everything was set up and it looks like a normal birthday party. I planned to have a treasure hunt game and then Lea will find the treasure aka the cheesiest letter I've ever written and then there will be fireworks that says 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' And boom I walk out and kneel with the ring. I hope this plan works.. Today's my big day.

Kendra's car pulled up at the drive way and Lea and her friends walked out.

I walked to her and kissed her forehead.

"Hey" she said and then turned her directions to Keith.

"Happy birthday Keith!" Lea said and they hugged.

"Thanks for coming" Keith took the bag Lea handed to him.

Everyone got together and we chatted, we drank and there was music. Some of the guys were inside the house playing video games.

"So do you wanna do it now?" Eugene whispered into my ear.

I started to trembled a little and I could feel the sweat trickling down my temples.


Eugene cut me off and made the decision himself.

"Hey everyone! It's time for treasure hunting!" Eugene announced.

Everyone gathered around to listen.

"So, everyone will be in pairs and whoever finds the treasure first will be the winner! And there's a special prize for them" he said.

He paired Lea and I together of course.

"Okay, on your marks, get set, GO!" Eugene blew the whistle and we all ran into the woods.

Lea and I were leading..which was also part of the plan. Lea looked at the map and pointed to the correct direction.

"We are somewhere here and we should get the treasure soon!" She squealed.

She was walking in front of me, she had her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and she was wearing some sport clothes.

"I think I spot it!" She pointed at the yellow flag that Eugene and I put up earlier.

"Oh yes!" I said.

I was getting nervous every second now because we're getting closer to the proposal and there'll be two possible outcomes. Either I spent the rest of my life with the love of my life or end up being a miserable loner when she rejects me.

Okay okay Dan, focus on the plan, you're supposed to pretend that you twisted your ankle now and fall.

"Ahh" I yelled.

Lea looked back and ran to me.

"Oh my gosh Dan are you okay?" She touched my foot.

And I pretend to wince. "Probably not." I said.

"Come on let's get you back" she said. "Can you walk?"

"No, you have to go get the treasure." I told her.

"What the hell Dan. You're injured and you're still thinking about that stupid treasure" she said and she took out her phone. "I'm calling the ambulance"

I stopped her. Oh shit this plan is not working. Think think think Dan! Come up with something.

I wiggled my foot and pretended that I was getting okay. "Look I'm fine. I just need a rest. Go and get it! It's just there!" I tried to convince her.

"You're being silly Dan. Let's get you back" she tried to hold me up but struggled.

"Eugene told me that the prizes are VIP tickets for the Bastille concert" I tried to convince her again with her favorite band and I know she's been dying to go see them.

She shot me a warning look. "Okay fine. Stay here and do not move. I'll be back really quick" she said and jogged.

I followed her and watch her excitedly find the box with the letter inside. I watched her read the letter and her eyes started to fill with tears and then I knew it was time when she hugged the letter. I sent Eugene the signal and the fireworks went within seconds. Lea shot her head up and I walked to her. I kneeled down on one knee, took out the ring and went over the speech I have been practicing for three weeks.

"Lea Rose Atkins" I began "the first time I laid eyes on you, I was awestruck by your beauty and I thought I had to know you. You were a one of a kind girl. My thoughts would always be you, like what you were doing, where were you? I knew I was in love with you during the dance we shared at my mums charity party and I knew that you were the one the moment I looked into your eye. After I met you, my life became much more interesting and I felt happier. It's been four years but every time I see you, I still get butterflies in my stomach. My love for you is always increasing day by day. I realized during Kim's wedding that I want you to be walking down the aisle while I waited for you at the end. We both love the same music, the same TV show, the same food, and those are just a few of the reasons I'm hoping you'll spend the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man on earth?" I held my breath. I can't believe I just say all those things. I feel myself getting nauseous.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

Did I just hear the right thing? Did she just say yes? I feel so fucking light and happy right now. I put the right on her fucking left hand ring finger. Yes! The moment I've been waiting for. I picked her up and spin her around. I kissed her so hard and she kissed me back.

"Lea you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so damn much" I said to her. "Words can not explain how I feel right now"

She giggled. "I love you too"

We walked back hand in hand and everyone cheered and champagne bottle tops were popping.

The girls were congratulating Lea and the guys were fist pumping and high fiving me.

Eugene put his arm around my shoulder "so tell me, how do you feel right"

"Fucking great" I replied.

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