Chapter twenty eight

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*Lea's POV*
School was getting to me. All the assignments and labs to be done kept piling up. It was sort of a good thing though. All my work load helped me avoid Dan around campus. He just asked me out so many times in the past few weeks and I start to pity him.

"Lea, I promise that I would never hurt you in anyway. Please give me a chance?" He asked in front of several people
I felt sorry for him and with pity I replied
"Yeah, I'll give you a chance"
His face seemed as if he was relieved and he gave me a tight squeeze.
I nervously laughed.
"Um. I have Chemistry now. See you around" I ran off
After my class Dan was waiting for me near the door.
The accent still bothers me.
"Oh hello" I say to him
"Dinner with me tonight? Please?"
"Okay I need time away from school work anyways"

Dan knocked on the door at exactly 6 o'clock. I got my purse and headed out with him.

"Are you hungry?" Dan asked
"Yeah, kind of"
"Thats good then. Let's good" he gives out a hand
I pretended that I didnt see his hand and I stood checking for my stuff in my purse.
"Um okay, just lead the way. I need to look for my thing"
We were still on campus and then just kept walking and walking. Until we reached this garden sort of passage.
"Okay, close your eyes"
He held my hands and slowly lead me.

We were in a greenhouse. The plants were all in one side and in front of me was a neatly set table with a huge covered basket.

"No one really uses the greenhouse often, so I come here to check on the plants sometimes. I also come here to study or read" he looks little shy
"Ohh. Its beautiful"
He let out a laugh
"I tried. And as a bonus, we get to see the beautiful sky above us"

We sat, ate and talked about our lives. I kept directing the topic towards him.

"Oh! I have a swimming competition coming up. You can come watch if you want"
"Oh, I'll have to see. I might have work to do you know"

After eating he spread out a big cloth and we both laid down and gazed at the night sky. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning on my bed with a note on the side.
'You're so cute when you're sleeping. Didnt want to wake you up so I tried to carry you to your dorm slowly. Thank you for last night. I had fun and I hope you did too
- Daniel'

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