concert in a can

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The next morning, Maeve and Marcus had woken up at 6:00 AM. Douglas had driven them to school. It was weird, seeing the evil scientist she had known for two years drop her off at the doors of Mission Creek High.

They received their new schedules and locker assignments. They didn't have any classes together besides lunch, a disappointment for Maeve. She had never been good at making friends. She would speak to people she thought were cool, but something she said would always throw them off. Hours later, she'd sit in her room and wonder how she could have acted so weird. Truthfully, she just didn't know how to behave in front of new people.

But Maeve had made it through half the day without Marcus. She hadn't seen Adam, Bree, or Chase yet, but there was still time. Besides, Marcus was probably already friends with them, being the social guy he was.

At noon, Maeve walked through the cafeteria, scanning for Marcus. She eventually made eye contact with him, sitting at a table in the corner with two boys that Maeve could only assume were Adam and Chase. Marcus waved her over.

"Guys, this is my friend Maeve I was telling you about. She's a killer on bass guitar," Marcus explained to the two boys. Maeve sat down next to Marcus, sending him a questioning look. He continued: "Oh, these are my new friends, Chase and Adam. We're starting a band, and I thought you'd be a perfect addition."

Maeve looked at Chase and Adam, studying them carefully. They looked to be her age, both with short brown hair. They looked nice enough. And what better way to lure people into your secret lair than by befriending and forming a band with them?

Chase returned Maeve's gaze. She locked eyes with him, and he swallowed before looking away.

This was gonna be fun.

"Sounds cool!" Maeve said, smiling.

"Guys, we've got a band!" Marcus exclaimed.

Chase and Adam laughed along with them as another boy sat at their table. This one looked to be a year or two younger.

"Hey Leo, guess what? Marcus, Maeve, Adam, and I are forming a band," Chase grinned.

Leo looked confused. "Well, you guys just met. Don't you think it's a little soon?"

"A little soon for what? Taking the deeply committed step of jamming together?" Chase said, looking at Adam. They both scoffed.

"Now if we could just find someplace to practice," Marcus said. "I live in a pretty small place, so..."

"Oh, I know a place. The lab!" Adam exclaimed. Chase choked on his water and Leo coughed.

It was cute how stupid they were.

Chase looked at Adam, horrified. Adam jumped. "Oh! Uh, l-labrador retriever park! Yeah, the dog park!" Marcus and Maeve exchanged glances as Adam continued. "Nice acoustics. Plus, they have dogs!"

"Well, you know guys, we have a pretty big place. We can all just jam there!" Chase suggested, looking between the two of them. Marcus and Maeve nodded.

Check, check, and check.

"Woah, woah woah, hold your horses, cowboy." Leo put down his fork and stood up, dragging Chase and Adam to the side. "Chase, what are you doing? Do you really think it's a good idea to let two total strangers into our very private home?"

Maeve and Marcus exchanged glances. Marcus stood up. "That's okay, guys. We don't have to jam. Not everyone needs a bright spot in their otherwise... horrible life."

"Yeah, we don't wanna be a nuisance," Maeve continued, putting on her best innocent-looking face. Leo was getting in the way of their mission. And no one gets in the way of her father.

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