you posted what?!, part one

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Chase, Bree, Adam, Maeve, and Leo made their way into school. Everyone, including Principal Perry, was murmuring and watching something on their phones. When Maeve and her friends walked in, the students looked at them.

"What's everybody looking at?" Bree asked.

"A new viral video," said Perry. "Guess what it's called? 'The world's first bionic humans'!"

Maeve's heart dropped.

"What?!" Chase and Bree exclaimed.

"Wait, there are other bionic people?" Adam asked. "They why are we working so hard?"

Chase glared. "She's talking about us."

"Yeah, look!" Perry showed them her iPad. On YouTube was a video, clear as day, of Maeve and the others on their previous mission, when they had fixed a leaking natural gas pipeline.

"That's yesterday's mission," said Chase.

"Somebody filmed us?" Maeve breathed.

Leo looked at them. "Your secret's out. Everybody is gonna know you're bionic."

"Never mind that," said Perry. "Now I can't blackmail Daddy Big Bucks anymore. My gravy train just ran right off the tracks!"

Bree looked around the foyer. "Everyone's looking at us."

"Hey, quit your staring! Scram!" Perry yelled at a group of students. "So they're bionic. Get to class before they mow you down with their finger missiles."

The students scattered as Perry retreated to her office.

"How could this happen?" Bree exclaimed. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know," said Chase, shaking his head. "We're in big trouble."

Leo's eyes lit up. "Wait, I know how we can fix this. We'll convince everyone the video was made with special effects! You know, like those fake videos Adam's always watching."

"So 'Giant baby eats Tokyo' is fake?" Adam frowned. "I should have known. Where are they gonna get a diaper that big?"

"Leo," said Chase, "that might actually work."

"Well, first, we better go tell Mr. Davenport," said Bree.

"Wait, wait, hold on," said Adam as they turned to leave. "Is 'Giant baby eats London' fake too? Because I just sent 50 bucks to the victims' relief fund."


"Mr. Davenport!" Chase exclaimed, running into the house.

Donald and Tasha walked in from the study room, and Douglas joined them.

"We just heard," said Donald.

"What are we gonna do?" Tasha frowned.

Adam exhaled. "I say we sell Chase to the circus and use the money to start our new life."

"Big D, I know how we can spin this," said Leo.

"Oh, no, we're way past spinning, Leo," Douglas said. "That video is all over the news. Experts have verified the footage wasn't manipulated."

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