mission space

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"Don't you think it's a little early to get into the lab? We don't know them that well. What if they catch us?" Maeve asked. She was standing in The Lair with Marcus, her arms folded.

"Why does that matter? You would not let that happen, would you?" her father said, eyes narrowed. "I asked you a question."

"No, I won't let it happen. I'm sorry, Dad." Maeve looked him square in the eye and swallowed. She could feel Marcus' glance at her, but she didn't return it.

"That's what I thought."

Douglas sighed. "Krane is right. We need to get this plan moving before they get suspicious. Get them to invite you over to their house and find some way to the elevator in the back - the bottom floor will be their lab."

Maeve's father held out a small camera. "The spycam is already linked to our servers. Set it up somewhere with a good view that won't be too obvious. Unless, of course, you think it's too much of a challenge," he peered down at Maeve.

How could he seem to go from six feet tall to ten in one look?

Maeve grabbed the spycam and avoided her father's gaze. "We got it."


"Trust us. We'll get it done," Marcus smirked, raising one eyebrow in determination.


The following morning, Maeve and Marcus walked into school.

"So, what was that all about last night?" Marcus asked her.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, you seemed nervous. More nervous than usual." He smiled.

Maeve laughed a little, shaking her head. "I don't know. It doesn't matter. Do we have a plan for how we're gonna get Adam, Bree, and Chase to invite us over?"

Marcus eyed her for a moment before answering her question. "Yeah, I've got an idea. just follow my lead." He looked over to see Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo talking by the stairs. Upon seeing them, Adam, Bree, and Chase smiled, running excitedly to greet them with a hug.

"Hey, Maeve! Hey, M-Dog! What's up?" Adam exclaimed to her and Marcus.

"Wait, hold the phone! Hold the phone! Hold the freaky-deaky phone," Leo said, positioning himself in front of his siblings. "M-Dog?"

Chase smiled. "Yeah! Bros call each other by nicknames."

"Well, I'm your actual bro and you don't call me by a nickname!"

"Actually, we do. We just choose not to do it in your presence," Adam laughed, then whispered, "Mr. Tiny McLittlestein!"

"Hey, guys, what are you up to this weekend?" Chase asked to the both of them, but he avoided Maeve's gaze.

"My dad's out of town so I'll be stuck home alone with my grandma," Marcus groaned.

"AHA!" exclaimed Leo suddenly, pointing a finger in Marcus' face, smiling. "You said your grandma was dead!"

"...The other grandma. But thanks for reminding me," Marcus stammered, frowning and leaning into Maeve, who put an arm around his shoulders. She sent an accusatory look at Leo, as did his siblings.

"It sucks that my dad doesn't let me have people over," Maeve said.

"It's fine, Maeve, don't worry about it. I just wish I could stay with you guys for the weekend," Marcus continued, looking at Chase.

"And I wish you weren't a spastic sociopath with abandonment issues," Leo replied, causing Marcus to raise an eyebrow.

Chase pulled Leo back. "Leo, give it a rest!"

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