trucked out

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Maeve stepped out of her capsule, yawning. As she got ready for school, she remembered the events that had transpired yesterday. She was growing increasingly uncomfortable with the mission now. And she hated herself for it. She was too emotionally involved - she knew she shouldn't have let herself get so close to the Davenports. But part of her couldn't help it.

In the dinky kitchen, Maeve ate her breakfast. She pondered what to do about the mission. Was there a way she could quit? Probably not, she was too far gone. But how would she carry it out?

When she had finished her breakfast, she grabbed her backpack and started heading out to meet Marcus. A voice stopped her in her tracks. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Her father asked.

Maeve turned around to face him. "...School?"

"You think you could get away this easily?"

"I don't-" Maeve said, confused.

"Have you forgotten that Leo broke into the lair yesterday?"

"I know. And I'm sorry. I'll do better."

"You just can't seem to take this seriously, can you?"

"I am, Dad," Maeve responded. "It was an accident. It won't happen again. I-"

In a flash, her father's knuckles connected with Maeve's jaw. She stumbled back a little from the force of the impact, raising her hand up gingerly to where she had been hit. She looked up at her father.

"What have I said about talking back to me?" He seethed. "I have given you so many more chances than you deserve. When will you start taking me seriously?"

Maeve swallowed.

"This isn't a joke, Maeve. If this mission fails, we could be caught. And I will not be happy if that happens," he continued. "And remember. If anything bad happens to me, I will make sure something worse happens to you." Maeve's father stepped forward and glared. "Understood?"

Maeve looked up and nodded ever so slightly. "Yes, Dad."

He studied her for a moment, then nodded. "Go to school."

Maeve slowly turned back to the door and left her house.


Before lunch, Maeve went to her locker to put her books away.

"Hey, Maeve!" exclaimed a voice behind her. It was Caroline Davis. Somehow, Maeve had amassed a number of new friends over her months at Mission Creek High. She had even gotten invited to Caroline's party.

"Hey, Caroline!" Maeve replied as Caroline passed by. She smiled to herself. She had never had so many friends before.

Maeve headed to the cafeteria to see Leo, Bree, and Chase sitting at a table together. She walked up to them.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Maeve!" Bree responded.

"Oh, no, guys, something just happened to our table. We have to move. Sorry, Maevey," Leo said, grabbing his lunch tray. Bree kicked him under the table.

"Hey, Maeve, what happened?" Chase asked, his eyes growing concerned, looking at the soft bruise that was forming on her jaw.

"Oh, I- fell. On a rock," Maeve stammered, pulling her hair out from behind her ear. She sat next to Chase.

"Well, how has your day been? Besides the rock," Bree asked.

"It's been good! I think I did well on my math test."

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