mission: mission creek high

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"I got a new lab! I got a new lab! I got a new lab!" Donald sang gleefully, leading his family downstairs.

"Woah, woah, woah," Bree said, "I think you mean, 'we got a new lab.'"

"Excuse me, did we pay to rebuild it?" He asked sarcastically.

"Do you sleep in a glass box?"

Donald paused. "We got a new lab! We got a new lab! And here it is."

The sliding doors opened to reveal a short purple tunnel. Inside was a totally revamped lab. There were new cyberdesks and nicer capsules, and hexagons patterned the floor and walls.

"Guys, look at all these upgrades!" Chase breathed. "Mr. Davenport, this place is amazing."

"Of course it is! I designed it," Donald smiled.

Leo cleared his throat.

Donald groaned. "Fine! We designed it! We, we!" He sighed and walked to the middle of the room, gesturing to different objects. "Upgraded capsules, bam! Quantum processing super computer, bam! Four-dimensional combat simulator, bam! This, my friends, is what a multi-million dollar makeover looks like."

"Is there a mini fridge?" Adam asked.

"No," Donald replied.

Adam turned to Chase. "I bet our real dad's lab has a mini fridge."

"Wait, Leo, where's your work station?" Maeve asked.

Leo smiled and took Donald's iPad, stepping over to the side of the room. "This way, children." Leo clicked a button on the iPad. One of the hexagons on the floor sank down and then rose back up with a desk and computer set up. "Floor in the lab is compartmentalized, meaning we can store things in it! May I?"

Donald nodded.

"Bam!" Leo exclaimed.

Suddenly, Chase turned his head and gasped. "Is that a nuclear magnetic resonant spectrometer?" He practically leapt to the other end of the lab, where there was a metal stand holding some sparking red thing. Chase smiled wide. "I've never seen one in person before! It's so beautiful."

"...Why am I jealous of an inanimate object?" Maeve frowned, half-joking.

"Mr. Davenport, how did you afford all this?" Bree questioned.

"Well, I used some of the money from the jet-wing stunt, but the rest of it I got from a huge government contract I just signed," said Donald. "I am developing a rocket system to protect the earth from rogue asteroids. Thanks to this little baby, I'm on my way back up Rich Man Mountain, and whoo! The air smells better up here!"

Maeve and Bree exchanged annoyed glances as Donald breathed in.

"Oh, wait, there's one more thing I forgot to show you," Donald said, typing on his cyberdesk.

"Mini fridge?" Adam gasped.

"There's no mini fridge!"

"But there is me!" A familiar voice jeered.

The family groaned to see Eddie smiling from his screen on the wall.

"Hello, friends! And I use the term 'friends' loosely because you're not my friends, and I hate you," he said.

"Did you really have to bring Eddie back?" Bree said.

"Yeah, I don't know that I'm okay with that," Chase frowned.

"Well then you definitely won't be okay with this!" Eddie laughed.

The hexagon Chase was standing on suddenly dropped down, taking Chase with it. Bree and Adam laughed as Maeve gasped.

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