the haunting of mission creek high

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"There is no way I would try out for the musical," Bree said. She was standing by the lockers with Maeve, Adam, and Chase.

"I don't know, I kind of want to," Maeve said. "I think it might be fun."

"You should," Chase smiled. It hadn't really been awkward between the two of them after their interaction a few nights ago, but they had been a little distant from each other.

"I'm thinking of trying out, too," Adam said. "Someone's gotta be the talented one in the family!"

Bree rolled her eyes.

"Psst!" Someone hissed. They looked over. Leo was peeking his head out from behind the gym doors. "Hey, guys, you ever have that nightmare where you're standing in the middle of the school in nothing but your birthday suit? Well, it's happening to me!"

Leo walked out, clutching onto a towel that was wrapped around his body. "Someone stole my clothes while I was in the shower!"

"Well, you know," Adam said, "when I lose something, I find it helps to ask yourself, where's the last place you saw it?"

"On my body," Leo glared.

"And you've definitely checked there?" Adam asked.

"That's horrible. Who would do that to you?" Maeve frowned.

"Ayoooo!" A voice yelled. Trent walked out of the gym, wearing Leo's clothes over his coach uniform.

"Trent? You took my clothes?" Leo said.

"Well, yeah. How else am I supposed to play 'Attack of the Giant Trent'?" Trent stomped around the room, Leo's shoes on his hands. "Fe, fi, fo, fum. I smell the blood of a wimpy one! Get it? It's you!"

Trent smiled at Leo and then crouched down to flex. As he did, Leo's shirt ripped. "Oh! Looks like your mommy's gonna have to buy you clothes at the Not Big and the Not Tall store!" He laughed and ran off.

"Why does Trent always pick on me more than anyone else?" Leo exclaimed.

"Well, I outsmarted him," said Chase. "When he was still a student, I studied his schedule and routine to ensure that we were never alone together. I even know when he's gonna take a-"

"Bathroom break!" Trent called, running across the foyer.

"Right on time," Chase said.

"Son, you need a hobby," Bree said to him. Maeve nodded.

"I'm sick of this," Leo glared. "I'm gonna offer Trent a choice: stop picking on me or suffer the consequences." He walked back into the gym.

Suddenly, Leo screamed. Trent ran into the foyer, holding Leo's towel, swishing it in the air. "Camera phones on, people! We got a runner!"

Chase, Adam, Bree, and Maeve exchanged glances and pushed through the crowd rushing into the gym to defuse the situation.


Once everything had blown over, Maeve and her friends stood in the foyer, waiting for Leo. Leo walked out of the office, wearing a way-oversized suit that could only belong to Principal Perry. Maeve and Adam laughed.

"Lost and found didn't have anything, so Principal Perry loaned me her emergency pantsuit," Leo explained. Trent came around behind him and pulled the shirt over his head. 

"Jackethead!" Trent taunted, walking away.

"Okay, that's it. It's time me and Trent had a talk," Adam said, determined. "Now he's disrespecting my brother and casual business attire!"

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